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Utthita Hindolasana(Cradle Pose Straight Leg) - Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association

Practice of the Month


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07 Mar 2025


Utthita Hindolasana(Cradle Pose Straight Leg)

Utthita Hindolasana(Cradle Pose Straight Leg) 

by Shri N. Elumalai, PhD Scholar (Yoga Science), MAHER

This is a seated hip opener pose that also stretches the hamstrings and calf muscles. It is often used as a warm-up for hip opening postures and leg stretches. This pose helps to release tension in the lower back and hips due to lonvg working hours at a desk. It is a modification of the base pose Cradle Pose, with the difference of one leg being placed straight, like in Dandasana. While the practice of both these poses brings almost the same benefits, this is a level-up version of the foundation pose. The act of taking the leg forward challenges the practitioner to keep the spine upright and helps to build both strength and gain flexibility. Considering this, it activates the quadriceps muscles, pulling up the knee cap to keep the leg straight in the correct alignment.


  • First, sit with your legs extended in Dandasana, pressing your hands on the floor to lengthen the spine.
  • Now, bend your left leg on the knee, grab it with the right hand and bring it closer to the chest.
  • Then, draw the knee closer to the chest with the help of the hands.
  • Place the left foot on the right elbow crease where the arch of the left foot is on the inner right elbow.
  • Make sure your bent knee is rested on the left elbow crease.
  • Then, wrap your hands around the left shin and draw the left knee closer to the chest, towards the left armpit, flexing the left foot.
  • Continue to sit tall, lengthening up through the spine.
  • Your right leg will remain straight, toes pointing to the ceiling.
  • You can rock the leg from side to side.
  • Avoid swinging the whole of the upper body and create a stretch in your left hip along the side of the leg.
  • Breathe normally and feel the stretch at the hamstrings, hip joints, and knee.
  • Maintain the posture with cradling movement for around 8-10 rounds.
  • To come out of the pose, release the hands and legs and come to Staff Pose Hands Back Knees Bent and relax.
  • Finally, come to Dandasana before you switch sides (bend the right leg) and perform the same sequence with the right leg.


  • This pose gives a good stretch to the lower body.
  • Particularly stretches pelvic floor muscles, hamstrings, adductors (groin), thighs, calf muscles and gluteus maximus.
  • Knees, hips, thighs, and lower back are flexed in the Cradle Pose, improving the range of motion while reducing muscle tightness.
  • Flexing the groin muscles builds flexibility, and strengthens the legs.
  • Ensures no rounding of the spine, leading to proper breath control.
  • Make sure the spine is straight and concentration is maintained.
  • Focuses Swadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra, stimulating creativity, imagination, and innovative ideas.
  • Alignment ensures the proper flow of prana in the body.
  • Ensures practitioner does not suffer from unnecessary aches or pain due to the rounding of the spine.
  • It helps stimulate reproductive and digestive organs.
  • Improves sexual functions and digestive fire (Jathragini), respectively.
  • This stimulates the liver, kidneys, and endocrine glands.
  • Releases tension in the lower back and hips.
  • Very beneficial for people who have to sit at a desk for long hours.
  • It strengthens the muscles in the lower part of the body.
  • Good way to improve one’s balancing capabilities.
  • Beneficial for perimenopausal, menopausal and postnatal women (after initial 4 weeks of healing).
  • Prepares the lower body and pelvis region for more challenging poses.
  • Main focus is to bring the torso perpendicular to the floor.
  • Tones muscles around the hips and at the pelvis.
  • Gains flexibility in the hips, pelvis, lower back, shoulders and leg muscles.
  • Improves spinal awareness as well as the entire body.
  • Shoulders, hips, arms, and legs are equally engaged.
  • Helps overall improvement in the spine and posture.
  • This pose increases physical and mental stability.
  • It balances the prana in the body.
  • There is a cope for upward and downward flow of energy (prana).
  • It stimulates digestive fire with samana vayu.
  • Treats knee pain, sciatica, anxiety, mild depression and trauma.
  • Postnatal women, athletes, kids, and teens can practice this.
  • Senior citizens, pregnant women and people recovering from prolonged illness can do this with wall support.


  • People who have injuries to the hips, knees, lower back, and spine, should avoid this practice.
  • Who are suffering from arthritis of the hips, knees, and spine should practice this, seated on a cushion or even a chair with complete guidance from a yoga expert.

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