On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
A meeting of IYA Kerala State Chapter Committee was convened over Zoom video conferencing on June 15, 2020. The meeting discussed the association activities and planned for the events to be carried out for International Yoga Day 2020.
It was decided that IDY message and blessings (video) from eminent masters will be posted on the social media pages of the state chapter. A one-hour webinar series on various topics and online free training classes by Vivekananda Kendra from June 17-21, 2020 was finalized. Other things that were zeroed upon were a Panel Discussion June 20, 2020.
The State Chapter also decided to organize IDY special 108 Sun Salutations challenge (FB Live) in association with Sivananda Ashram on June 21. IDY Special CYP practice (FB Live) in association with Art of Living, Trivandrum again on IDY was finalised.
The State Chapter Members who attended the meeting were Sri Nataraj, Vice Chairperson, Shri Shyju Krishnan, Joint Secretary, Shri Rajgopal Krishnan, Secretary, Shri Sudhakar T, Treasurer, Shri Vasudev Namboodiri, Shri Harilalji, Arsha Yoga and Nandini Sethi, IYA Secretariat.