Practice of the Month


Yoga Vidya Niketan conducts 51st summer course 

Yoga Vidya Niketan (YVN), Member Institute of Indian Yoga Association successfully conducted its annual one-month Yoga Summer Course from May 1 to May 31, 2024. The course ran for one and a half hours daily across 41 physical centers around Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, extending…

NIRAMAYA launches Yoga Chetana Abhijan 

NIRAMAYA, Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association continues to promote yoga education and the IYA’S motto in South Assam. In celebration of the 10th International Yoga Day, Niramaya launched the “Yoga Chetana Abhijan” to connect the community through various yoga activities. Under this initiative, NIRAMAYA…

Vyaniti Yoga celebrates IDY in Oman 

Vyaniti Yoga, Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association celebrated International Yoga Day 2024 at the Indian Embassy in Oman. The event saw participation from over 100 individuals of all age groups. The program was honored by Indian Embassy First Secretary of Culture Ms Reena Jain…

Jharkhand SCC celebrates Yoga Utsav in Jamshedpur with Ministry of AYUSH 

The Union Ministry of AYUSH, through Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, organized Yoga Utsav in Jamshedpur as part of the Hundred Days Countdown Program for International Yoga Day. Celebrated by World Vision Foundation, an associate of the Indian Yoga Association, the event saw over…

Shree Kala Yoga organizes free mega yoga camp 

Yogi Narendrakumar Chowdhary, President of Shree Kala Yoga, Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association organized a 42-day free mega yoga camp leading up to International Yoga Day 2024 from May 11 to June 21, 2024, from 6 to 7:30 AM at Sector-5, open garden plot…

Yoga Peace Sansthan organises Laughter Festival 

The YogaPeace Sansthan, Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association hosted a Laughter Festival in Jaipur’s Central Park to celebrate International Laughter Day on May 5, 2024. Hundreds of laughter enthusiasts and 16 laughter clubs gathered for a morning of laughter, spreading smiles and joy. Yogacharya…

Mokshayatan Yog Sansthan celebrates 51st Foundation Day with series of remarkable events 

Mokshayatan Yog Sansthan, Member Institute of Indian Yoga Association marked its 51st Foundation Day with grand celebrations and a series of significant events aimed at promoting yoga and wellness. The celebrations were characterized by mass participation and a wide range of activities. 51st Foundation Day…

Multi-Lentil Dosa 

by The Yoga Institute Multi-Lentil Dosa Mungdal and Urad dal is a plant-based source of protein. They are good source of zinc, potassiuman vitamin B1. White rice is also a good source of mangnesium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, iron, folic acid, thiamine and niacin. All these…

YVN Golden Jubilee Function comes to a Close 

Yoga Vidya Niketan completed 51 years of the Institute on Gudi Padwa i.e. April 9, 2024 and the entire year of the celebration also came towards an end. The function began at 3:30pm at Yoga Bhavan, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. The guests of honour for the…

RVIM commemorates International Women’s Day 

In commemoration of International Women’s Day, the Mahila Vibhag – Women’s Cell of Kriya and Adhyatma Yoga Academy, in partnership with RV Institute of Management, Associate Center of Indian Yoga Association organised Mahila Yoga Mela. This international conference was scheduled on March 17, 2024 at…

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26 Jul 2024


Online Gurukulam ‘Learn with Masters’
Yoga Events & Activities

Online Gurukulam ‘Learn with Masters’ 

Webisode 17-19: Yoga for All, Pranayama beyond Breath, Importance of Sun and Sattvik Diet

Online Gurukulam with Swami Bharat Bhushan ji, Member, Governing Council, IYA

In March 2022, Indian Yoga Association brought for you all the words of wisdom from Swami Bharat Bhushan ji, Member, Governing Council, IYA as part of the second series of Online Gurukulam- Learn with the Masters. He took all of us on an elaborated journey of yoga for 3 sessions. In each session that was held on every Sunday of the month, he discussed in detail about varied aspects of Yoga. In his sessions, Swami Bharat Bhushan ji talked in detail about Yoga for All, Pranayama beyond Breath, Importance of Sun and Sattvik Diet which went LIVE from 5pm-6pm on Facebook on March 6, 13 and 27 respectively.

The aim of the series is to take the viewers in the journey of in-depth knowledge of different horizons of yoga making them further understand the importance of inculcating the ancient science into their lives.
IYA is a self-regulatory body of all Yoga organisations. Online Gurukulam is an endeavour to provide yoga lovers and followers of our vedic culture a chance to meet the world-renowned Yoga Gurus and learn from them free of cost. The Association aims at bridging the gap between the Guru and the disciple, and bring the wisdom of yoga in its purity and directly from the source.

Webisode 17: Yoga for All

The first session by Swami Bharat Bhushan held on March 6, 2022 focussed on the fact that Yoga is for all. Even our ancient text mentions propagates about the importance and magnificence of yoga. Lord Shiva, Adi Yogi, is the father and founder of Yoga. He is the foremost among the yogis and the first teacher of the science of Yoga. He is the representation of flawless meditation and spirituality.

This ancient science that we all have received or is given by our saints is not confined to a group or a section of society. It is beneficial for all and it does not discriminate.

King Janaka became Jivanmukta after contemplating on Siddha Gita. He adopted yoga to an extent where he is called a body-less being. With the help of yoga, King Janaka attain quiescence of mind and self-knowledge. He was a true blessing to his people because he was a fully enlightened master, but he functioned as a king. With the help of yoga he was able to unveil the way of detached living.

Unlike, olden times when people used to follow yoga in their each and every action in their lives, today people have adopted yoga merely as a form of physical exercise. It’s not yoga. We practice yogic kriyas to achieve small goals like solving our physical problems. We should adopt yoga as a part of our lifestyle. There are people who are practicing yoga to enjoy worldly pleasures. It is called abuse of skill, abuse of eternal knowledge.

By his practice we are reducing its importance and significance. We have failed to recognize that our actions will only harm us. People in foreign countries will take all the benefit while we will just keep feeling proud of the fact that Yoga originated in India.
I feel very happy and strange at the same time. The efforts put in by our honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to promote and propagate Yoga is commendable. Secondly, we can see applied yoga in his life too. It was because of his efforts only that June 21 was declared as the International Day of Yoga by United Nations in 2014.

But talking about all of us, I cannot say this and is disappointed. We practice Yoga momentarily in our lives. We don’t think beyond small benefits. The yogic kriyas that can help us physically can strengthen and empower our soul as well.

Webisode 18: Pranayama beyond Breath
The second session by Swami Bharat Bhushan held on March 13, 2022 stressed on the fact that Pranayama is an integral part of the yogic tradition. Pranayama is meant to nurture a high level of bodily health and mental clarity, both of which are crucial steps on the path to self-knowledge and a wholesome, authentic life.

Pranayama is a part of Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, which have 196 sutras in total. These yoga sutras are divided into 8 limbs or eight steps:

• Yama
• Niyama
• Asana
• Pranayama
• Pratyahara
• Dharana
• Dhyana
• Samadhi

The eight limbs are a process of going deeper and deeper inward to discover and abide in the Divinity within us. But I get worried when people call it just breathing exercise. It is not merely a breathing exercise, it is something deeper.

Maharishi Patanjali, Maharishi Gehrand, Maharishi Swatmaram or others must have mentioned Pranayama as breathing exercise but it is not so. Pranayama is ayam of prana, expansion of pranic path and its approach towards your entire systems. Had it been merely a breathing exercise then it should have worked only from nostril to lungs.

When we practice pranayama, we try to expand it to our whole constitution of the body- physical, mental as well as spiritual. Body is the tool. This body is the tool to perform all my duties. Duty is dharma. Duty towards myself, duty towards family, Society or even towards divine.

All of this is part of pranayama. Asanas lead us to pranayama. Five Yamas and five niyamas lead us to perfect asanas. If we do not apply Ahimsa (Non-violence), Satya (Truthfulness), Asteya (Non-stealing), Brahmacharya (Celibacy), Aparigraha (Non-indulgence), we may lose balance. These qualities help us to perform better asanas. The five niyamas are — Saucha (Cleanliness of body and mind), Santosha (Contentment), Tapas (Discipline), Svadhyaya (Self-study), Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender to the Divine). These yamas and niyamas help us to seek perfection in asanas.

Similarly, when we perform asanas we automatically start unravelling the secrets of pranayama because when we perform asanas, we learn to control our breathing.

Webisode 19: Sun important for Yoga and Sattvik Diet

In his third session held on March 27, 2022, Swami Bharat Bhushan ji talked in detail about the glory of Sun, its importance, significance of performing yoga in the morning and its benefits. He explained that Sun is the physical and spiritual healer. In yoga, the sun is represented by surya nadi, the pranic channel which carries the vital life-giving force. Suryanamaskar is the combination of asana and pranayama which improves cardiorespiratory performance and reduction in blood pressure and help in weight loss.

Yoga is not merely about exercising and staying fit. Yoga when done in front of the Sun helps to attain fulfilment very quickly. Flexibility, immunity, proper functioning of organs and shining like a sun by building a relation with it by practicing yoga early in the morning can be attained.

Sunlight is a super nutrient. We will perform better and live longer when real, unfiltered sunlight bathes the skin and enters our eyes for at least 10 minutes in a day. It will improve sleep and will also act as an antidepressant. A small amount of sun exposure every day also stimulates collagen production in the skin and is good for brain and mood.

We need to understand that Surya Namaskar is not only about doing 12 yogasanas and chanting mantras. We at the same time need to work on dhwani, ucharan and dhyana otherwise it won’t be effective. Yoga is holistic and we need to pay attention to every aspect.

At the same time, the food we eat plays a huge role in the health and wellness of our body, mind, and soul. The ancient yogis realized the energetic and healing properties of food and created a yogic diet that focuses on cultivating sattva, or inner-peace. A sattvic diet includes the purest, lightest, and most easily digestible food you can eat. Eating more sattvic foods is important to explore and embrace for all levels of yogis as it has multiple benefits and will promote a calm yet focused mind, a clear heart, and a strong healthy body.

You may visit Indian Yoga Association’s Facebook page for the complete Webisodes

About Swami Bharat Bhushan

Son of National Awarded educationist Pandit Bishambar Singh, Yog Guru Swami Bharat Bhushan has spread the humanitarian aspect of yoga across the globe and contributed immensely to promote spiritual Tourism. He founded ‘MOKSHAYATAN INTERNATIONAL YOGASHRAM’ in the year 1973 at a young age of 21 years. Various Luminaries including H.E. President of India, Speaker of Parliament have visited Mokshayatan and have acknowledged its contribution to yoga and human harmony. He has been honoured by various prestigious awards like “Padmashri” by President of India for his contribution to yoga long back in 1991, Modern Vivekananda, Yog Chakrvorty, Yog Martand, Bharat Rashtr Ratna, Arjuna Shri, Pratap Shri, Global Gem of Yoga from China, 50 High & Mighty personalities of India by India Today, Life Time Achievement Award – Awadh Sanman by U.P. government, Life Time Achievement Award by AIIMS New Delhi, Honorary D.Lit., CCS State University Meerut for contribution to yoga.

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