On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
Human civilization all across the globe has been attacked by a new invisible enemy. No work is done without a reason. In a bid to help people overcome and fight away the second wave of Corona Virus, Mokshayatan Yog Sansthan after much research had developed ‘Yoga Solutions for Prevention and Management of COVID-19’. Purpose behind this initiative is to provide relief to COVID-19 sufferers.

The role of Yoga and Ayurveda in COVID-19 pandemic is both preventive and curative. Preservation of health status is vital to combat this viral spread. As per medical tenets an individual is healthy when his body is in a stare of homeostasis and he possesses his physical body in a normal state of biologixal humors (Doshas), metabolic fire (Agni), body tissues (Dhatus and waste products (Malas). His soul, mind and organs of cogniton and conation are in perfect state of coordination and he is mentally happy and cheerful. The aim is to try and achieve and maintain this perfect health.
To talk more about the COVID-19 protocol the Episode 8 of Online Gurukulam on Yog Yudh Corona ke Viruddh by Padma Shri Swami Bharat Bhushan ji, Member, Governing Council, IYA and President, Mokshayatan Yog Sansthan, Saharanpur, UP was held on April 25, 2021 from 5pm-6pm.
Indian Yoga Association (IYA) to provide yoga lovers and followers a lifetime opportunity to meet the world-renowned Yoga Gurus has started Online Gurukulam- Learn with Masters, a series of virtual sessions IYA Gurus. We are glad to inform that we have been receiving wonderful response from all the yoga corners.
Yog Yudh Corona ke Viruddh by Padma Shri Swami Bharat Bhushan ji, Member, Governing Council, IYA and President, Mokshayatan Yog Sansthan, Uttar Pradesh
In his address during the session of Online Gurukulam on Yog Yudh Corona ke Viruddh Padma Shri Swami Bharat Bhushanji said, “Yoga is a discipline that offers solution for everything, for all of us and in all the times. Mankind is the best creation of God. And since we are the best how can something as bad a Corona can happen to us. The answer of these queries are in our actions only.

Human act without thinking and without pondering upon the consequences of their actions. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. And hence this virus has been invading our lives continuously mutating and affecting everyone in a completely different ways.
Our sages and saints have propounded yoga as a way of life. They adopted it, stood by it, applied it and found that Yoga can offer a means for a successful life.
Presently, we all are facing situation like Arjuna. Today, the mankind is witnessing formidable times. He is scared, is in dilemma, there is lot to fear and anxiety is breaking all the bars. Man is losing his vitality and living a meaningless life and pushing himself towards despair. The challenges today are bigger than what Arjuna must have faced during Mahabharata. This might sound disappointing, but we have to stand again strong!
Fear and migration is never a solution to any problem. Krishna escaped from the battlefield 16 times. Was he actually being defeated or his did on purpose. Whatever he did was on purpose. He did it under a plan and the goal of that plan was success. He exhausted the enemy. As a result of this, Lord Krishna, who even called Ranchod, while he won the battle seventeenth time.
Similarly, if we limit ourselves in our house and avoid going out we will be able to protect ourselves. Yoga is a weapon, which heals both mind and body.
As a self-regulatory body of Yoga organisations, IYA aims at bridging the gap between the Guru and the disciple. You can Register for FREE on www.iya.ayuryoga.life for forthcoming sessions.