Practice of the Month


Yoga Vidya Niketan conducts 51st summer course 

Yoga Vidya Niketan (YVN), Member Institute of Indian Yoga Association successfully conducted its annual one-month Yoga Summer Course from May 1 to May 31, 2024. The course ran for one and a half hours daily across 41 physical centers around Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, extending…

NIRAMAYA launches Yoga Chetana Abhijan 

NIRAMAYA, Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association continues to promote yoga education and the IYA’S motto in South Assam. In celebration of the 10th International Yoga Day, Niramaya launched the “Yoga Chetana Abhijan” to connect the community through various yoga activities. Under this initiative, NIRAMAYA…

Vyaniti Yoga celebrates IDY in Oman 

Vyaniti Yoga, Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association celebrated International Yoga Day 2024 at the Indian Embassy in Oman. The event saw participation from over 100 individuals of all age groups. The program was honored by Indian Embassy First Secretary of Culture Ms Reena Jain…

Jharkhand SCC celebrates Yoga Utsav in Jamshedpur with Ministry of AYUSH 

The Union Ministry of AYUSH, through Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, organized Yoga Utsav in Jamshedpur as part of the Hundred Days Countdown Program for International Yoga Day. Celebrated by World Vision Foundation, an associate of the Indian Yoga Association, the event saw over…

Shree Kala Yoga organizes free mega yoga camp 

Yogi Narendrakumar Chowdhary, President of Shree Kala Yoga, Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association organized a 42-day free mega yoga camp leading up to International Yoga Day 2024 from May 11 to June 21, 2024, from 6 to 7:30 AM at Sector-5, open garden plot…

Yoga Peace Sansthan organises Laughter Festival 

The YogaPeace Sansthan, Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association hosted a Laughter Festival in Jaipur’s Central Park to celebrate International Laughter Day on May 5, 2024. Hundreds of laughter enthusiasts and 16 laughter clubs gathered for a morning of laughter, spreading smiles and joy. Yogacharya…

Mokshayatan Yog Sansthan celebrates 51st Foundation Day with series of remarkable events 

Mokshayatan Yog Sansthan, Member Institute of Indian Yoga Association marked its 51st Foundation Day with grand celebrations and a series of significant events aimed at promoting yoga and wellness. The celebrations were characterized by mass participation and a wide range of activities. 51st Foundation Day…

Multi-Lentil Dosa 

by The Yoga Institute Multi-Lentil Dosa Mungdal and Urad dal is a plant-based source of protein. They are good source of zinc, potassiuman vitamin B1. White rice is also a good source of mangnesium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, iron, folic acid, thiamine and niacin. All these…

YVN Golden Jubilee Function comes to a Close 

Yoga Vidya Niketan completed 51 years of the Institute on Gudi Padwa i.e. April 9, 2024 and the entire year of the celebration also came towards an end. The function began at 3:30pm at Yoga Bhavan, Vashi, Navi Mumbai. The guests of honour for the…

RVIM commemorates International Women’s Day 

In commemoration of International Women’s Day, the Mahila Vibhag – Women’s Cell of Kriya and Adhyatma Yoga Academy, in partnership with RV Institute of Management, Associate Center of Indian Yoga Association organised Mahila Yoga Mela. This international conference was scheduled on March 17, 2024 at…

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22 Jul 2024


Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI), Pune, India
Legacy Series

Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI), Pune, India 

The Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute was established in 1975 in memory of Smt. Ramamani, the wife of Yogacharya BKS Iyen­gar. This Institute imparts yoga in the tradition of Yogacharya BKS Iyengar and has students from all the continents of the world. The founderdirectors of the Institute were Yogacharya BKS Iy­engar, Smt. Geeta and Shri Prashant Iy­engar and the current directors are Shri Prashant Iyengar and Abhijata Iyengar. The Institute conducts yoga classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced students and special classes for children and individuals with health problems. There are no time bound courses conducted by the Institute and learning is a con­tinuous process of involution to understand the self.

RIMYI the Beginnings: The Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Institute is nothing but the Institution of Yogacharya BKS Iyengar himself. From very humble beginnings, both have attained glorious heights. Yogacharya BKS Iyengar was initiated into Yoga by his brother-in-law, Sriman T Krishnamacharya, a very learned man whose lineage can be traced to Sri Nathamuni, the author of Yoga Rahasya. Guruji BKS Iyengar lineage has been traced several centuries back to Sri Ramanujacharya. Despite such a glori­ous lineage, Sri BKS Iyengar was a very sickly child struggling for survival having born during the world influenza epidemic in 1918 and then having multiple bouts of malaria and tuberculosis in the era before the antibiotics were discovered. His brother-in-law initiated him into yoga to help him gain some health in 1934 and then deputed him to go to Pune in 1937-1938 and thus, Pune became his karmabhumi!

From giving personal tuition to a few students, he struggled for decades to make people learn yoga. It was a meeting with the violin maestro Yehudi Menuhin that changed not his destiny but that of yoga in the world. He traveled to Europe to teach Menuhin and other yoga enthusiasts as his name started spread­ing far and wide. Students started visiting his home in Pune to learn under him. It was only in 1973 that he finally managed to get a plot of land in the suburbs of Pune where he could conduct yoga classes for local and foreign students. It was unfortunate that Smt Ramamani, his wife, who performed the bhumi pujan left her mortal form 2 days later. I was then decided to dedicate the Institute to her memory and this Institute was inaugurated on January 19, 1975. The structural design of RIMYI has a unique significance. Its three floors represent the body, mind and soul. Its height is 71 feet and has 8 main columns representing the 8 pillars of ashtanga yoga – yama, niyama, asana, pranayana, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and Samadhi. The basement houses the library with nearly 12000 titles on a variety of subjects ranging from human anatomy and physiology to the ancient scriptures, from philosophy to psychology to a section for children too. This library also served as a study for Yogacharya BKS Iyengar. The first floor is the asana hall and the second designed to be the pranayama hall. But, due to the demands of space, the begin­ners and intermediate classes are now being conducted here. The top of the structured is blessed by statues of Lord Hanuman and Adisesha.

RIMYI mainly conducts asana and pranayama classes for the general public. From novices to the subject of yoga, there are students who continue their study on yoga for over 4 decades. The classes are taught by Sri Prashant Iyengar and senior students of Yogacharya Iyengar and Geeta Iyengar. Till his demise in 2014, Guruji would also be present in these classes constantly advising the younger generations of teachers in the art of teaching.

RIMYI pri­marily teaches the two limbs of yoga asana and pranayama through which they are made to experience the others. RIMYI teaches the aspi­rants and yoga sadhaka as per their ability and maturity. Children are taught in a dynamic manner while the adults learn to differenti­ate motion from action. Begin­ners are taught the techniques of yogasana and the importance of precision and alignment in practice. As they mature, they learn to study the effect of the mind on one’s practice and develop intelligence in the entire embodiment. They learn the asanas as postures, then they progress to the asanas which include the total involvement of the human embodiment – body, mind, senses, breath and intelligence in their asana practice. And, then it is through asana and pranaya­ma that they learn the science of ashtanga yoga.

The students at RIMYI: The classes are open to one and all irrespective of age, gender, nationality, class, creed and religion. Foreign nationals are also permitted to attend classes at the Institute but the rules are more stringent for them. Those coming from countries where there are ‘Iyengar Yoga’ teachers are expected to study in their own country for 8 years before they can apply to attend the classes at RIMYI and then too, there is a waiting list period of 1 ½ to 2 years because of severe space constraints. Of course, students who come from countries where there are no teachers are admitted to the beginners or inter­mediate classes. There are special classes for ladies, children and medical classes for those with health problems. It is here that many individuals have at­tained relief and cure from ailments for which even modern science has no remedy. Students at RIMYI come from extreme ends of the economic, vocation­al and intellectual spectra from auto drivers, maid servants to highly intellectual philosophers, writers and extremely creative artists and musicians.

Today, yoga is reported to be a billion dollar indus­try in the US. This industry includes the manufac­turing and marketing of yoga props such as blan­kets, pillows, belts, ropes and many other wooden supports created by the ingenuity of Yogacharya BKS Iyengar. These props give the practitioner con­fidence to do the asana, stay in the asana, learn cor­rect alignment to do the asana and are a great boon for those suffering from any maladies. The yoga mat which seems to be an integral part of yoga practice these days was also an innovation of Guruji BKS Iyengar.

Light on Yoga, Light on Pranayama, Light on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Light on Life, the Asta Dala Yoga Mala I to 8, Yoga: A Gem for Women, the CItta Vijnana of Yoga. Alpha Omega of Trikonasana, Discourses on yoga, Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali, Concept of Ishvara, Yogasana and the 18 ma­hakriyas are some of the major publications of the teachings at RIMYI. Most of these have been translated into various languages. Yoga Rahasya is a quarterly publication of the Institute which has a circulation base in over 45 countries.

The directors of RIMYI are involved in a lot of chari­table activities in cash and kind to provide support and relief to victims of natural calamities. Schools, health care and community centres provide education and health care to remote villagers.

Iyengar Yoga Institutes following the teaching methodologies and philosophy of Iyengar Yoga exist in 85 countries in all the continents. We may speak a different language for verbal communication but the language of yoga remains the same. Each of these teachers at these Institutes is extensively trained and mentored by their seniors in the respective countries and later in India. There are strict ethical guidelines and certification processes which ensure the quality of teaching being imparted by the various teachers.

Iyengar Yoga Associations are also present in US, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Netherlands, UK, China, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, Ma­laysia, Macau, France, Spain, Israel, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Bra­sil, Argentina, Mexico and Japan which are governed by independently elected local members who play a role in disseminating the teachings of Iyengar Yoga maintaining high ethical and technical standards. There are a few thousand members who are associ­ated with these Associations. They have annual and bi-annual meetings and conventions so that students meet and share experiences with fellow practitioners from their country and guest teachers from India or other nationalities.

RIMYI really brings about a yuj (union) between people – irrespective of their nationality, religion, language, culture or political inclinations.

The Legacy Series articles are contributed by institutional members of IYA and are published as pro­vided by them; we encourage all Member Institutions of the Association to send a six page article with some photos about their organisations

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