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Online Gurukulam ‘Learn with Masters’ - Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association

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05 Feb 2025


Online Gurukulam ‘Learn with Masters’
Cover Story

Online Gurukulam ‘Learn with Masters’ 

Pranayama with Shri OP Tiwari

Indian Yoga Association in its endeavour to provide yoga lovers and followers a lifetime opportu­nity to meet the world-renowned Yoga Gurus has started Online Gurukulam- Learn with Masters, a series of virtual sessions directly by the Gurus of IYA.

Starting from January 3, 2021, the first virtual class was taken by Shri OP Tiwari ji, Member, Governing Council, IYA and Secretary, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla on Pranayama from 5pm-6pm on Zoom. The virtual class would be held on every first and third Sunday from 5pm-6pm.

As a self-regulatory body of Yoga organisations, IYA aims at bridging the gap between the Guru and the disciple, and bring the wisdom of yoga in its purity and directly from the source. Smt. Kamlesh Barwal, Secretary General, Indian Yoga Association commenced the session with a beautiful explanation of impor­tance of Guru with a shloka

Learn yoga under a Guru. The word Guru in San­skrit means ‘enormously big’— that which cannot be judged, that which cannot fit into our ideas or con­cepts. Guru is like an ocean who is always ready to give and it is upon our capacity as to how much can we absorb.

Taking the viewers on the journey towards self-discovery, Shri O.P. Tiwari ji started his session with surrendering himself to his guru. He said, “Whatever I will tell or teach you today will be because of my Guru.”

“The first reference of Pranayama is found in the of Yoga Sutra of Maharishi Patanjali. In Ashtanga Yoga, pranayama is the fourth stage— Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyana, Sa­madhi. The first five steps are called Bahiranga Yoga while the later three are known as Antaranga Yoga.

He thereafter explained the meaning of yogas chitta vritti nirodha. Comparing western philosophy with Indian philosophy, he said, “Western Philosophy considers that there is no problem in the mind while Indian philosophy explains that mind in itself is a problem. Chitta can be called a combination of mun, buddhi and ahankara.

“Thereafter, he talked about four types of Prana ex­plained by Maharishi Patanjali. He went on to quote ancient texts which strongly advocate the need to a teacher or guru for practicing pranayama. Narrat­ing his own experience, he explained in detail how a guru will always be your guiding light and will always correct you if you make mistakes.

“Pranayama transforms you and gives you lot of en­ergy. It will help you perform your tasks and duties in a very efficient manner. If practiced incorrectly, it may cause headache, ear ache, coughing and other disorders while if performed correctly it will lead to your transformation.

He also guided the viewers about preparatory prac­tices including Uddiyana Bandha, Agnisar Kriya, Singhasana, tongue lock, Jalandhar bandha before starting pranayama. Thereafter, he explained that Hatha Pradipika mentions 8 types of pranayama namely surya bedhana, ujjayi, sitkari, sitali, bhas­trika, bhramari, murchha and plavini.

He also stated that the spiritual growth can be at­tained by bhastrika and murchha pranayama. He concluded the session with stressing on the fact that pranayama can change your personality and trans­form for your good.

The next session of Online Gurukulam will be held on January 17, 2021 and will be taken by Guruji Dr. HR Nagendra.

So, join us for the words of wisdom by Yoga Gurus!

About Shri O.P. Tiwari

Shri O.P. Tiwari, Member, Governing Council of Indian Yoga Association, is one of the great living Pranayama masters. He stepped into the field of Yoga came in 1958 when he enrolled at Kaivalyadhama as a student for a two year course. One of six students studying directly un­der Swami Kuvalayanandaji, he had direct exposure to not only the philosophical and practi­cal aspects of Yoga but also the scientific research that was being propagated by his teacher. Continuing under his tutelage for many years thereafter, Swami Kuvalayanandaji appointed Tiwariji Secretary General of Kaivalyadhama in 1965. In total, he has more than fifty years of experience in Yoga therapy, teaching and policy. He has dedicated his life to the practice, teaching and promotion of Yoga throughout the globe. His goal is to selflessly pass on the deep philosophical and scientific understanding as well as practice of Yoga.

Message from Guruji Dr. HR Nagendra, President, IYA

My dear brothers and sisters Online Gurukulam is a gift from IYA on the New Year. Great Masters will take class free of charge. Corona has started spreading in all dimensions. This unique program will bring all of you to grow from your normal level to your great heights of spiritual excellence, health, harmony, peace and love in our life. It will also help you to be free from COVID-19 and continuously

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