On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…

Meetal Koticha Shah
Executive Trustee, Project ‘Life’ & Vice-Chairperson, IYA Gujarat Chapter
Youth are the future of tomorrow and representing it at every level. The work of the youth will take the country on the pathway of success. Youth is the promise for a better, brighter tomorrow. In present times of luxuries, social media and irregular lifestyle, it remains a huge challenge to assist and lead the next generation to healthier and happier ways to live a balanced and meaningful life.
Our nation has centuries old knowledge of health sciences. Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama being the important practices among them which are now recognized and acclaimed across the Globe.
Structuring a system to deliver this ancient knowledge treasure to the next generation can ensure great health benefits to the youth and can lay the foundation for their next generation to practice these as normal health regimes in their life style.
The invaluable health science knowledge can be transferred to them in two ways :
• Creating awareness regarding physical wellbeing – of mind & body.
• Inculcating knowledge of Darshan Shastra – beyond body and mind.
This health science presents extensive work in healing of body & mind, further unfolding progressive evolution towards beyond body and mind wellbeing. And the knowledge continues to grow with ongoing research.
Presenting great scope for experimentation, investigation and analysis, the need is to involve and enroll present as well as future generations to expand and strengthen the knowledge base in this incomparable gift to us from prior generation of scientists and masters of this practice.
Indian heritage of knowledge is wide spread and sound in every stream, may it be art & design, economics, literature or medicine. While the nation has in place established systems in various streams, an education system in Yoga Darshana takes its own priority place for future generations.
Together if we adopt synthesis of modern and ancient knowledge then we can generate extraordinary health standards and better lifestyle. Yogic living is not limited by age, sex, caste, creed or nationality and hence is Universal by nature.
Two significant messages can be given to the youth :
• Karmasukausalam – Efficiency in every action
• Samatvam Yogauchhayate – Harmonies development of self.
Yoga has multiple approaches – Asana, Pranayama, Bandhas, Mudras and Kriyas – which are easily suitable to practice by all generations. Though Yoga aims at the holistic development of higher characteristics in human persona, health of body and mind can be easily addressed through psychophysical approach of Yoga which is best suited to the need of youth in school, college and university to evolve healthier next generations.
The ancient Indian heritage system of Yoga Darshana deals with ethical and moral development of human beings through practice of Yama and Niyama.
Strengthening and healing physical body by practicing Asana, management of breathing by practicing Pranayama, minimalism by practicing Pratyahara, development and enhancement of human awareness and superconscious being by practicing Dharna and Dhayna. – all these work in tandem towards enhancing human potential from conscious to superconscious existence – Samadhi.
Youth today is well read, intelligent, versatile, analytical and have great energy. The energy needs to be channelized creatively which is best achieved through Yoga.
Success stories of many great people like Dr. A.P.J. Kalam, Mahatma Gandhi, Satayajit Ray, and Narayan Murti prove their success despite difficulties, not in absence of them. Learning from their life stories will bring about a stronger unification of modern science and ancient Indian knowledge.
In this era traditional practices of Yoga has to be presented in modern way to make it more appealing to the young generations. Let us create significant standards which will help youth to make Yoga as their lifestyle. In order to effectively transform the true message and meaningfulness of Yoga and the process and means need to be palatable, easy and interesting.