On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
The Yoga Milan festival was organized by the Rajasthan SCC of IYA on December 13, 2020 virtually on Zoom. The function was presided over by Shri Mahesh Sharma, Vice Chairman. The programme was attended by all life members, professionals and volunteers registered with the Indian Yoga Association of Rajasthan chapter as participants. The objective of the programme was to apprise and introduce all the members from the ongoing activities at present.
Shri Himanshu Paliwal, Joint Secretary started the programme with a prayer. Shri Surya Pratap Singh Rajawat, Vice Chairperson welcomed all the participants and members followed by a beautiful rendition of Ganesh Vandana by Mukta Didi.
Smt. Vishwa Didi of Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari had planned a game for enhancing awareness on yoga. Dr. Purnendu Sharma, Joint Secretary talked about pranayama and highlighted its effectiveness and usefulness.
Dr. Swatantra Kumar Sharma, Secretary introduced the objectives, programmes and activities of setting up the Indian Yoga Association. Giving a brief briefing on the activities taken since the inception of the Rajasthan chapter, he said that we should contribute to advancing this great tradition of yoga by establishing all necessary coordination.
In this order, the members present were presented with their views, which was conducted by Joint Secretary-media
Col. Amar Singh, Smt. Ranjana Chhabra, Smt. Poonam Chauhan, Shri Samit Brar, Smt.Priyanka and Smt. Anamika Kothari also expressed their views. Shri Mahesh Sharma, Vice Chairperson concluded the programme.
All news from the State Chapters are collated by the newsletter team as received from each State Chapter Committee. All State Chapters may take the initiatve of sending your news soonest to include the same in the next newsletter.