Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association
Practice of the Month

Ek Pada Koundinyasana

by Sri Krishna Wellness,
Yoga and Cultural Centre

It is a pose dedicated to sage koundinya II. It is a split- legged arm balance; sometimes also knows an flying splits.

From downward facing dog, lift your right leg off the mat. Then lean forward into chaturanga dandasana (with the right leg still raised). Place the right knee on the right elbow.
Once stable, slightly lean forward so as to lift the leg up and also extend the right leg that is supported by the elbow.
Repeat the same with the left leg (pictured is a left leg version).

Builds strength of the arms, shoulder, chest, abdomen, core, and hamstring.
The practice also helps builds confidence over one’s body and mind.

Avoid if you have an injury around arm, shoulder, hip, back and abdomen.
Those with arthritis, carpal tunnel, spondylitis, sciatica, heart conditions or blood pressure should avoid the practice too.

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