Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association
Practice of the Month

Practice of the Month


In this Asana the shape of the body resembles to that of Eagle bird – Garuda, hence the name Garudasana.

Contra Indications- Arthritis, stiff ankles and knee joints, weak shoulder and elbow muscles, sever pain in spine, mental instability etc., then avoid this, Asana. Advisable to practice under the guidance of Yoga Expert
Technique –

1) Starting Position – Stand in relaxation position with comfortable distance between the legs, hands by the side of the body

2) Main Technique- Bring legs together and stand erect in ‘sthiti Tadasana’ with hands closer to the body. Fix gaze on a spot right in front. Now, keeping the left leg straight, slightly bend the right leg and encircle it in a way that right thigh rests over the left thigh. Top of the right foot should rest on the calf of the left leg. Bend the elbows and bring them in front of the chest. Now, encircle the right arm around the left arm in such a manner that palms of both hands are clasped together on each other. The joined palms should rest in front of the nose resembling like the beak of an Eagle. Slightly bend the left knee to lower the body towards the ground and keeping the back straight all the time. Focus on the breath with Pranadharana maintaining the balance of the body on left leg. It is advisable, not to close eyes in the initial stages as there is a chance of losing the balance. This is the final posture of Garudasana and hold it up to the capacity. Gently release the twisted arms and legs in reverse manner and repeat the same starting with left leg.

3) Releasing the Asana – After repeating the Asana on both the sides, release the twists of arms and legs and come to relaxation posture.

Benefits – Improves balance, improves concentration, strengthen the muscles of the legs and arms, loosens joints of arms, legs and hips. Alleviates sciatica and rheumatism.

Preparatory practices- Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Veer Bhadrasana, Hasta Padasana

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