Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association

How to Avoid 7 Common Mistakes When Practising Pregnancy Yoga?

by Dr.Nutan Pakhare, AYG Academy

Pregnancy yoga is an incredibly beneficial practice. It helps you stay fit and healthy, reduces stress levels, and allows you to connect with your baby during this magical time of life. However, there are some common mistakes that many new moms make when practising prenatal yoga that can lead to injury or other issues.

Here are the top 7 mistakes:

Wrong Body Posture

The most important element of pregnancy yoga is the alignment of your body. A good position can help you to stay healthy, avoid back pain and other problems, and give you more energy throughout the day.

There are many different postures that you can practice while pregnant. Some examples include:

Kneeling with hands on knees or feet on the floor
Lying on one side with knees bent at a 90-degree angle and lower back flat against the floor (called “fetal pose”)

Not Seeking Medical Help

You’re not the only one who can get pregnant. And you won’t be the last, either. It’s likely that many of your friends and family members are also taking care of their own pregnancies in some way or another—and if they aren’t yet, it’s important for them to do so as soon as possible!

It’s true that seeking medical help can seem intimidating at first glance—but don’t let this intimidate you!

In fact, there are many benefits associated with seeking prenatal care early on:

You’ll learn from experts who have been there before (which will make everything feel less scary).
You’ll get answers quickly and efficiently (so no more waiting around!).
Pregnant women will receive yoga programs tailored to their unique needs.

Trying Too Hard To Do Fancy Poses

If you’re new to yoga, it’s tempting to try the fancy poses. But fancy poses can be dangerous for pregnancy and your baby! They can put stress on your lower back and increase the risk of miscarriage or poor fetal development.

Avoid these fancy postures: * Crow Pose (Kukkadasana)
Hip-widening poses in first trimesters like veerasana
The locus pose (shalabhasana)
Balancing poses like tree pose if you have giddiness you should avoid it

Ignoring the Basics

Ignoring the basics of pregnancy yoga can lead to injury or other problems. The most important thing to remember is that practising yoga during pregnancy is not the same as doing it in general.

When you’re pregnant, your body needs extra care and attention because it’s changing rapidly—so if you don’t adjust your practice accordingly, it could be dangerous for both mother and baby.
Here are some things to keep in mind:

Breathing: Breathing exercises are essential when practising any form of exercise (including pregnancy yoga). In fact, they can help prevent many common discomforts associated with being pregnant by helping regulate blood pressure levels and maintaining proper oxygenation throughout the body at all times
Performing Forceful breathing while doing kapalbhati or bhastrika.

Avoiding the Stretches

If you’re pregnant, it’s important to stretch. Stretching is an integral part of your yoga practice, and it can help prevent muscle tightness and pain as well as improve the development of your baby.

Your muscles are constantly growing during pregnancy—not just in size but also in strength. A lack of flexibility can lead to joint problems for both mother and child later on down the road; this is especially true if you have trouble balancing on one foot or lifting heavy objects with ease (like a carton).

If you’re feeling stiff or sore after your workout, try taking a few minutes to stretch out before moving on with whatever else needs doing around the house!

Carrying Weight Beyond Limit

The second common mistake is carrying weight beyond your limit. Carrying too much weight can cause back pain and other issues, so it’s important to know when you’re carrying too much.

How much weight is too much? If your baby weighs around 4 pounds at 6 months, then she should be able to sit up on her own by the time she reaches one year old (if not sooner). This means that if you have a heavy belly and are unable to move freely through the room, then there may be an issue with how much weight you are carrying!

When do I know if I’m carrying way too much? You’ll know if something isn’t going right when your body aches all over or when breathing becomes difficult due to sitting upright for long periods of time without moving around or bending over frequently!

Mistakes with Relaxation Techniques and Breathing Exercises

When it comes to practising yoga, there are many techniques that can be used. Some of these techniques include breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. However, overdoing these things can lead to laziness at times by overstimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Doing those practices in a timely manner is important.

Relaxation techniques are very important in pregnancy yoga because they help with preparing your body for labour and delivery by relaxing all of its muscles so that when the baby gets born it will fit into your pelvis better than normal (which means less pain).
These exercises also help reduce stress levels which will help prevent some medical issues like high blood pressure or anxiety disorders later in life!

The main takeaway from all of this should be that you can safely practice prenatal yoga. The key is to make sure that you’re practising under medical guidance with a qualified instructor who has the experience necessary to teach you safe and effective techniques. You also need to make sure that your body is properly supported and warmed up before beginning any new poses. Finally, always pay attention while doing these exercises—and never forget why we do them in the first place!

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