Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association
Cultural RoundUp

The Yoga Institute

Glass half full or half empty – the choice is ours

Yoga always recommends for us to live in the present moment. We must not worry about the future or be stuck in the past, all we have is this day – today. And we must live it to its optimum. There is absolutely no way in which you can run away from your present. We must prepare ourselves to face the situation, head-on, deal with it, and simply move on. All that you have in your control is to equip yourself better to the situa­tion, in order to deal with it.

This is nothing but Karma Theory. In Covid-19 times, we are now in such a situation. Wherein we can’t do much to change it, but all we can do is face it. Running away won’t solve our problems and neither would our instant reaction to the situation. Always take your time, think things through and then act accordingly, that’s how we can win our battles against all fights.
The above is an excerpt taken from “The Art of Positivity in Depression” by Smt. Hansaji Jayadeva Yogen­dra, published in Yogasattva 08/20, p. 5.

Disclaimer: This article is taken as is from ‘ Yogasattva August 2020’ and IYA or Yogavani does not take responsibility for the authenticity of the article nor for claims laid by the article.’

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