Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association

Shri T Mohanji Leaves us for his Heavenly Abode

Sri Mohanji, Co-founder of VYASA and SVYASA (1949-2020) reached his angelic stage and left his mortal coil on July 26, 2020 at the age of 69 years and 9 months. Indian Yoga Association expresses its condolences and extends a heartfelt shradhanjali to Punya Aatma.

He was a great soul and his yeoman service to S-VYASA as a pillar of strength during all the times was unmatched for. His simplicity, humility, confidence and dedication towards Vedanta and Bhagavatha had a great impact on him. His enjoyed every moment of his life in a minuscule manner.

His great devotion towards Swami Vivekananda and humanity was exemplary. His dynamism and joyful attitude attracted many towards him. He was an acclaimed figure who had emotional and intellectual sharpness in everything and was an embodiment of total personality.

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