Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association
Yoga Events

Online Gurukulam ‘Learn with Masters’

Guru-shishya parampara is in­grained in our tradition. It is an inevitable part of our culture. Gu is darkness and Ru means light. Guru is someone who mentors the shishya (disciple) and pulls him out of darkness and takes him towards light. Guru acts as a guiding light and takes the shishya from ignorance to enlightenment. Guru is dispeller of darkness.

Taking this parampara forward, Indian Yoga Asso­ciation (IYA) to provide yoga lovers and followers a lifetime opportunity to meet the world-renowned Yoga Gurus has started Online Gurukulam- Learn with Masters, a series of virtual sessions IYA Gurus. We are glad to inform that we have been receiving wonderful response from all the yoga corners.

The Episode 2 on Mind Sound Resonance Tech­nique (MSRT) by Guruji Dr HR Nagendra, President, IYA and Chancellor, SVYASA was held on January 17, 2021 from 5pm-6pm. The Episode 3 on Yoga in Today’s Context by Padma Shri Swami Bharat Bhushan, Member, Governing Council, IYA and President, Mokshatayan Yog Sansthan, Saharanpur, UP was held on January 31, 2021 from 5pm-6pm.

Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT) by Guruji Dr HR Nagendra, President, IYA

The session on MSTR by Guruji Dr HR Nagendra commenced with a beautiful intro­duction by Smt. Kam­lesh Barwal, Secretary General, IYA. “He is lovingly called Guruji by his students and the world. Best known as the personal yoga con­sultant of Honourable Prime Minister Naren­dra Modi ji, he is the recipient of 4th highest Civilian Award Padma Shri in 2016.”

As he continues to inspire many young scientist even today, she urged everyone to dive deep into the wisdon of yoga contained in Upanishads with Guruji.

As the session commenced, Guruji explained in detail that MSRT is a mindfulness-based yoga technique consisting of recitation of a mantra that repeatedly generates a sound resonance throughout the body and, thereby, takes the mind to deeper states of relaxation.

He elaborated how the technique deals with Pan­chakoshas, the five layers of our existence- An­namaya Kosha (Physical Body), Pranamaya Kosha (Prana), Manomaya Kosha (Mind), Vigyanamaya Kosha (Intellect) and Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss), postulated in our Upanishads particularly in the Taitriya Upadnishad.

He further explained that the technique involves ex­periencing with closed eyes the internal vibrations and resonance developed while chanting the syl­lables A, U, M, Om and Mahamrityunjaya mantra sounds and how MSRT induces deeper relaxation for both mind and body.

Elaborating further, he said “According to modern science, resonance is when two sound waves comes together. It starts at the same time and have the same frequency. When these two waves come together they produce tremendous amount of energy. So matching the frequencies, matching the initial phase are neces­sary. We should learn to produce the sounds in such a way that whole body from toe to head resonates.”

According to Yoga, resonance is matching of fre­quencies and Sruti in MSRT.

“We use mental sounds to produce resonance in the body. Whatever resonance is produced with chant­ing loudly the same resonance should be produced in the body when we repeat the same in the mind with Maha Mritunjaya mantra. Maha Mritunjaya mantra helps to overcome the fear of death. When we use this mantra we start moving from ahata to anhata level to produce the corresponding resonance and recent wave patterns. That is how we go deeper and deeper in the technique. It takes us from gross to the subtle state of existence.

After the explanation he also guided the audience as how to practice the technique.

Yoga in Today’s Context by Padma Shri Swami Bharat Bhushan ji, Member, Governing Council, IYA and Presi­dent, Mokshayatan Yog Sansthan, Uttar Pradesh

The Webisode 3 of Online Gurukulam- Learn with Masters was held on Janu­ary 31, 2021 from 5pm-6pm on Yoga in Today’s Context with Padma Shri Swami Bharat Bhushan ji, Member, Governing Council, IYA and President, Mokshay­atan Yog Sansthan, Uttar Pradesh

At the young age of 39, Swami Bharat Bhushan ji was awarded Padma Shri in 1991 by the Presi­dent of India Dr. R. Venkata Raman and is also honoured by D. Lit an honorary degree in year 2014.

In a century very few people are born with a divine soul and a clear vision who serves the world by enlightening people from the sphere of apathy, confusion and sorrows. So is the life journey of Swami Bharat Bhushan ji who spread and taught Yoga in over 70 countries includ­ing America, Australia, South Africa, China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. He founded Mokshatayan International Yogashram in Saharanpur in the year 1973 to promote yoga and also is the convener of Inter­national Yoga Festival held by Indian government every year in Rishikesh.

In his session, Swami Bharat Bhushan ji acquainted the viewers about the ways and techniques with which we can adopt yoga as a lifestyle. “Times and the need of the human being have changed tremendously. And so it the way to include Yoga in our lives. It is important to understand that Yoga is part of our ancient cul­ture and tradition and we should make it a part of our life. Yoga can take you towards enlightenment and can help you in difficult situations”

Further elaborating, he said, “In this fast paced world where everybody is running after something or the other, Yoga offers us a much needed stability. It strikes a balance between body, mind and soul. Yoga is not confined to merely a set of asanas, pranayama and kriyas that should be practiced daily. It works holistically and promotes enhancement and flow of energy in the body.

“A balanced flow of energy gives us the power to cope up with stress disorders, imbalances, diseases and other threats to harmony in human life and prepare him for beyond.

“Yoga makes us aware of our body, mind and the self. It has a positive impact on our mental as well as phys­ical health. It develops different aspects of our personality-mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

“Yoga promotes self- healing, removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body, enhances attention, focus and concentration, reduce stress and tension in the physical body by activating the parasym­pathetic nervous system. It rejuvenates, energizes and bestows upon every aspirant the powers to control body and mind.

“Yoga is said to be as old as civilization and it is ingrained in the roots of our tradition and culture. Yoga finds its origin from the Sanskrit word yuj which means to unite, join and connect. The practice of this age old science takes us towards the union of Jivatma with our supreme soul Parmatama.”

As a self-regulatory body of Yoga organisations, IYA aims at bridging the gap between the Guru and the disciple. You can Register for FREE on for forthcoming sessions.

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