Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association

Utthita Hindolasana(Cradle Pose Straight Leg)

by Shri N. Elumalai, PhD Scholar (Yoga Science), MAHER

This is a seated hip opener pose that also stretches the hamstrings and calf muscles. It is often used as a warm-up for hip opening postures and leg stretches. This pose helps to release tension in the lower back and hips due to lonvg working hours at a desk. It is a modification of the base pose Cradle Pose, with the difference of one leg being placed straight, like in Dandasana. While the practice of both these poses brings almost the same benefits, this is a level-up version of the foundation pose. The act of taking the leg forward challenges the practitioner to keep the spine upright and helps to build both strength and gain flexibility. Considering this, it activates the quadriceps muscles, pulling up the knee cap to keep the leg straight in the correct alignment.




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