Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association
Yoga Events

A virtual seminar to celebrate Sister Nivedita’s birthday!

On the occasion of Sister Nivedita’s birthday, Jharkhand State Chapter organized a webinar on October 28, 2020 in joint collaboration with Ramakrishna Mission Ashram, Moraba­di and Sister Nivedita Seva Kendra, Anagada. Swami Atmapriyanand, Ramakrishna Mis­sion Vivekananda Education and Research Institute, Belur and Smt. Anubha Rawat Choudhary, Judge, High Court of Jharkhand were the chief guest.

In his welcome speech, Swami Bhaveshanan­dji, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Ashram explained the meaning of the word Nivedita and explained the importance of three types of education— college education, artisan education and moral education for the uplift­ment of the society.

Smt. Anubha Rawat Chaudhary highlighted the importance of education in the upliftment of Indian woman by Sister Nivedita. She said that the Indian woman should not give up her original nature of love, righteousness and sacrifice. Every woman should be educated and empowered.

In his address, Swami Atmapriyanand ji explained the importance of knowledge, intelligence, karma and yoga for the progress of man. The belief in oneself and willingness to work in the organization moti­vates any society to move forward.

The program was conducted Shri Pritam Banik and the vote of thanks were extended by Shri Amit Kumar, Secretary, Indian Institute of Yoga, Jharkhand. More than 200 people attended the event.

All news from the State Chapters are collated by the newsletter team as received from each State Chapter Committee. All State Chapters may take the initiatve of sending your news soon­est to include the same in the next newsletter.

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