Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association

Yoga Shows the Way

Guruji Dr HR Nagendra, (President, Indian Yoga Association)

My dear Brothers and Sisters,

The year 2020 was challenging for all of us in many ways. The lockdown and confinement brought frustrations, boredom, anxiety, etc. in people at large in all the countries. This lead to stress and weak immune system.

Countries like United States of America saw a sudden upsurge of COVID-19 pandemic which forced many people to lose their lives. However, in India things were relatively much better. There had been research papers clearly indicating how well Corona was handled in India. Corona didn’t affect India as much as it did other countries. It can be said that our faith in Yoga have helped us to fight Corona in such an efficient manner.

Yoga teaches us to recognize the innate freedom. We know that accepting the present as it is, converting the challenges to opportunities and doing our duty to the best at each moment will help us progress towards our new version, and creating a better life for our­selves.

The approach we have adopted here to fight this deadly virus is to strengthen our immune system. Co­rona is the biggest virus we have seen in the past so many years. The fear tends to suppress our immune system badly. Imbalances also namely Kama, krodha, lobha, moha, matsarya all lead to weak immune sys­tem.

Choosing to leave Raga and Dwesha the Kleshas and being in the present is the secret that Yoga teaches us for success. To adopt a new Yoga based modern life­style using the science of holistic living. Chandogya Upanishad says (verse 3/14/1) that the man has firm will power. Whatever man determines in this world, it happens even after death. That is why a man should make a true resolution to change for the better. From Rajas to Sattva.

Look into these crisis from a different perspective… While this present crisis has forced us to examine how we do business, by creating and using truly in­novative technologies in the yoga Professional world and it could encourage us to step beyond just recover­ing to growing. Digital media has helped us to spread far and wide. Breaking the horizons of spatial bound­aries.

Let us broaden our horizons as we reflect on the lessons to be learned from the current crisis. Instead of simply “bouncing back” to where we were before, let’s find new ways to interact and help ourselves flourish in our activities. Sit comfortably and meditate. To have a clear sense of direction and focus our efforts so which we can achieve more impact.

“Yoga Vani” is a good initiative for yoga lovers to enhance their knowledge and keep them updated about various yoga activities across the globe. With the onset of a new year, we bring you the new edition of “Yoga Vani” which aims at the new beginnings and eliminating all the negativities due to COVID.

Guruji Dr HR Nagendra
(President, Indian Yoga Association)

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