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Paripurna Navasana (Full Boat Pose) - Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association

Practice of the Month


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11 Feb 2025


Paripurna Navasana  (Full Boat Pose)
Practice of the Month

Paripurna Navasana (Full Boat Pose) 

by Shri N. Elumalai, PhD Scholar (Yoga Science), MAHER

In Sanskrit, paripurna means ‘full,’ nava means ‘boat,’ and asana means ‘pose’. The body in this pose resembles a boat and hence the name. While practicing this asana, you set your body and mind to cross all hurdles that you may come across to reach the divine grace – your spiritual path (the main target of yoga practice). While working on this challenging balancing pose, the body is entirely balanced on the sit bones or the buttocks forming the English letter ‘V’. The engagement of the core muscles plays a crucial role in getting the right balance and stability. It also activates the Manipura Chakra which is responsible for personal power, authenticity and self-definition.


  • Start this after a few rounds of Surya Namaskar, which circulates blood to the entire body.
  • Then, sit in Dandasana, keeping the spine straight and legs stretched out, rotating the ankles clockwise and anticlockwise about 6 times, opening up the calves and knees.
  • Inhale, stretch the legs out completely without bending the knees, when pulling in the tummy and raise the spine upwards placing the hands on the thighs in front of you.
  • With another breath, raise both the feet from the floor to about 20 degrees. Take the upper torso behind throwing the chest out in front moving the weight of the body on the sitting bones.
  • Stay here for 2 breaths, maintaining the balance while the tummy, the quadriceps, hamstrings, abdominal, and shoulder muscles are stretched and firm.
  • Focus the center and the core, raise the legs higher, tighten the inner legs to engage the adductors, raise the arms from the thighs, and bring them parallel to the floor.
  • Balance, ensure the torso is not curved outwards and remains stretched upwards slightly inclining the torso backwards with the chest thrown out in front of you.
  • Draw the shoulder blades back, down to help the chest go forward giving it the complete stretch.
  • Here, focusing on the core, watch breathing. Neck stays in line with the chest, keeping the chin parallel to the floor, arms stretching out completely.
  • Ensure your body is ‘V’ shape. With slow rhythmic breathing, maintain the body weight at the center, and remain here for about 8 breaths or as per your comfort.
  • Slowly release the pose and return to Dandasana, hands on the floor behind you.
  • After relaxing, repeat it taking deeper with longer slow breaths.


  1. Strengthens key muscles: quadriceps, pelvic floor, gluteus, and hip flexors.
  2. Improves hip and lower body flexibility and stability.
  3. Supports diaphragm function and enhances oxygen flow.
  4. Boosts lung capacity and overall energy.
  5. Promotes balance, body awareness, and mental steadiness.
  6. Stimulates internal organs, aiding metabolism and glandular function.
  7. Supports women’s reproductive health and helps with menstrual issues.
  8. Reduces stress, calming the nervous system.
  9. Activates Manipura and Sacral Chakras, enhancing emotional balance and creativity.
  10. Prepares the body for more challenging poses, improving prana flow.


3D sunset landscape with retro effect
  • People suffering from asthma, heart problems, headache, insomnia, diabetes, low blood pressure, diarrhea, neck injury, hip, shoulder, knee or arm injury, women during menstruation and pregnancy, should avoid this.
  • Senior citizens who have regular practice in yoga can do this under the guidance of a yoga teacher.

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