On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
Tamil Nadu State Chapter of Indian Yoga Association and GTN Arts College (Autonomous), Dindigul jointly held a 2-day International Conference on Physical Education and Yoga recently.

The inauguration was presided over by Dr P Balagurusamy, Principal of GTN Arts College. Dr. R. Durai, Director, GTN Group of Institutions felicitated the gathering. Dr N Rajasekar, Director and Head, Department of Physical Education, G.T.N.Arts College welcomed the gathering. Dr. R.Elangovan, Secretary of TNSCC-IYA presented his inaugural address.
Dr G Radhakrishnan, President, Yoga Federation of Asia, Malaysia, Shri Kiarash Bahri, World Taekwondo Coordinator for India, Iran, Dr Bakthiyar Choudhary, President, Indian Sports Medicine(AP), Dr Rajesh Kumar, Dean and Senior Professor, Usmania University, Hyderabad, Prof. Dr. Venkata Rajashekar Kali, Hyderabad, Dr P. Anbalagan, Professor, Department of Physical Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore also marked their presence.
In the valedictory function, Shri P. Bangarusamy, Coordinator, Department of Physical Education welcomed the gathering. Dr U Natarajan, Vice Principal, Smt N Sakunthala, Vice Principal (Aided) felicitated the gathering. Dr K Jothi, Associate Professor, YMCA College of Physical Education, Chennai, Dr S Selvalakshmi, Associate Professor, TNPESU, Chennai, Dr C Ramesh, Assistant Professor of Physical Education, MKU, Madurai addressed the gathering. Sizeable number of papers were presented by the various personalities from all over India in the conference. Dr N Rajasekar, Director and Head, GTN Arts College proposed the Vote of Thanks.