On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
authored by Dr Prakash Chintamani Malshe
The book entitled “Vata- Sara and Plavini” by Dr Prakash Chintamani Malshe extols the distinct features of two specific Yogic techniques that have been described in the classical literary Hathayogic scriptures; Vata- Sara in Gheranda Samhita and Plavini in Hathapradipika. The practical usage of these two techniques in the current times is very rare or nil whereas it did exist in the ancient times. This work is from a “eureka” moment experienced by the author while being contemplative on these techniques. A few curious and ardent Yoga Sadhakas and enthusiasts may find this useful and interesting.
The verses explaining the procedure of both these techniques have been given in the introduction section of the book. The innovative attempt by the author is how to perform these techniques while doing the 12-step procedure of Suryanamaskara. The present booklet is a refined version of the earlier creation by the same author, ‘Drink air, Stay fit’.
This booklet consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 (‘The secret of Vata sara’) elucidates the great secrets of both the techniques as given in the contemporary text Gheranda Samhita with the verses and their explanations along with a detailing of performance of Kaki mudra which is used. In Chapter 2 the complete procedure of performing the techniques are given with explanation and pictorial representations of the 12 steps of Surya Namaskar along with the position of stomach in each step with explanation of the course of air too. Chapter 3 shows ‘Dr Malshe’s pierced straw technique of drinking air’ and how the manoeuvre is performed. Chapter 4 features Barium X-Ray studies done by the author to demonstrate how Kaki Mudra fills air in the intestines in each of the posture in Surya Namaskar. Pictures of X-rays of air in the fundus of stomach, food pipe, air moving to duodenum, etc. have been included too which makes it very enriching.
This is an ardent attempt by the author which might be enjoyed by people who like to understand the details of scientific features of the traditional techniques.