On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
Tamil Nadu State Chapter Committee of IYA alongwith Yogalaya Health Care Institute, Associate Centre of IYA, made a NOVA World Record attempt online on January 28, 2023 at 6pm.
108 Surya Namaskars were officially attempted at 6:10pm. Thereafter at 7:00pm Shri E Dhillipan, Founder of Anahata Yoga Aacedmy, Indian Director, Nova Book of Records made a welcome address.
Thereafter, Dr Kaustubh Desikachar, Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation made the special address. Smt.R.Thangalakshmi, Treasurer, Tamil Nadu State Chapter, IYA did the felicitation address and the concluding remarks were made by Dr R Elangovan, Secretary Tamil Nadu State Chapter Committee, IYA.