On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
by Smt Meetal Koticha Shah
Joint Executive Trustee – Project ‘Life’ & Vice Chairperson, IYA Gujarat Chapter
Contemporary lifestyle, social, economic & professional responsibilities and lack of self-care resulting in stressful existence have created multiple health concerns for women, calling for greater awareness, attention and pragmatic solutions.

Yoga, the ancient discipline of self-rejuvenation, practiced over thousands of years is the articulate blend of body postures, breathing exercises and meditation that benefits mind, body and soul in a holistic approach to health & wellbeing.
Having claimed its rightful place in health and wellness spectrum as a viable option to enhance healthy living, Yoga can greatly help women to effectively deal with their complex and diverse issues, offering several women specific health solutions.
Research has demonstrated that Yoga can benefit in:
Stress Reduction: Yoga effectively reduces stress levels in women. Women often take greater stress on account of societal pressures and responsibilities. Yoga offers holistic stress management to help women live a balanced life through monitored focus on the present and reduce anxiety levels.
Menstrual Health: Yoga can also help alleviate menstrual discomfort and symptoms. Specific exercises can relieve cramps, bloating, and mood swings and regulate menstrual cycle by improving circulation and reducing stress.
Pregnancy and Childbirth: Prenatal yoga has become increasingly popular for pregnant women. Common pregnancy symptoms – back pain, fatigue, and swelling – reduce significantly and support a happy outlook through the trimesters. Prenatal Yoga further enables women for stress-free childbirth by strengthening pelvic muscles and improving breathing pattern.
Postpartum Recovery: Yoga greatly helps postpartum recovery by restoring pelvic floor muscles, which may have weakened during pregnancy and childbirth. Additionally Yoga alleviates postpartum depression and anxiety by reducing stress levels and stimulating relaxation.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): PCOS, a hormonal disorder that can lead to irregular cycles, acne and weight gain, is effectively remedied by Yoga through normalization of hormonal balance and reduction in stress levels.
Menopause: Yoga helps women cope with the physical and emotional changes during menopause, alleviating hot flashes, mood swings and insomnia. Furthermore, Yoga improves bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
Overall Health: Yoga significantly enhances overall health, reducing risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It improves flexibility, balance, and strength, reducing risk of falls and injuries.
Integrating Yoga in life’s routine can be increasingly beneficial for women. Yogic exercises are low impact in nature, easily practicable and offer a great approach to attaining a better, healthier, stress free and relaxed life.
A powerful tool for women’s health, Yoga remains an ideal choice to upscale physical, emotional and mental well-being.
Let’s all resolve today to adapt to and adopt Yoga in our life. The time starts now!!