On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
by Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute

Take the prone position lying with legs and feet together and toes pointing outward. Hands should be by the sides of the body, fingers together, palms facing upward with the forehead resting on the ground.
Bending the arms, place both hands on the ground near each side of the shoulder. The thumbs should be below the armpit near the chest and the elbows should be close to the body.
Bring the chin forward and place it on the ground. Gaze in front.
Raising the chin, tilt the head slightly back, raise the shoulders and thorax, and curve the spine backwards stopping at the navel. Do not raise beyond the navel.
Maintain this posture for some time. Then, slowly bring your body on the ground in reverse order. Start with the navel region and then lower the thorax, the shoulders and the chin. Lastly, place your forehead on the ground.
Finally, relax your arms and place your hands by the sides of your thighs.
Fingers of the hands must remain together.
Avoid jerky movements while raising your body.
Do not raise the navel during this posture.
Put minimum weight on your hands. Divide the weight between the spine and arms.
While in the final position, the thumbs should touch the sides of the body below the armpit.
Beginners can rest the weight on their hands.
While returning, avoid tilting the head forward first. The part of the body which leaves the ground first will return to the ground last.
Benefits and Limitations:-
- Practicing this posture deeply affects the muscles of the body.
- Swami Kuvalayanandaji said this posture “is beneficial in flatulence after meals.”
- It is effective for the prevention and reduction of asthma, dyspepsia and Vata diseases. It also keeps the spine flexible.