On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
by Shri Nitin Tawde, Yoga Vidya Niketan, Vashi
Lord Shiva is known as the King of the Dance. Word ‘Nata’-derived from Natya- and Raja – the King; and Lord Shiva is depicted in ‘Nataraj’ pose as a cosmic dancer, and the dance is the famous ‘Tandava’. This Asana has a perfect rhythm of a classical dance pose, hence the name ‘Natarajasana’ dedicated to Lord Shiva, the ‘Adi-Yogi’.
Contra Indications- Hypertension, high BP, cardiac disease, those having weak shoulder and elbow muscles, sever knee pain, severe back ache, slip disc and arthritis should avoid this asana. Advisable to practice under the guidance of Yoga Expert. As this is a balancing asana, persons with mental instability and pregnant women too should avoid it.
1) Starting Position – Stand in relaxation position with comfortable distance between the legs, hands by the side of the body.
2) Main Technique- Bring legs together and stand erect in ‘sthiti Tadasana’ with hands closer to the body. Fix gaze on a spot right in front. Now, keeping the left leg straight, bend the right leg in knee and fold it in such a way that the heel of the right leg comes closer to right buttock. Balancing the body weight on left leg, catch hold of the right ankle with right hand. Now, start stretching the right leg away from the body and at the same time stretch left hand front, in line of the shoulder, to maintain the balance. Make sure that the left leg is not bent in the knee. The final posture looks extremely attractive like an expert dancer with right leg stretched as back as possible and the left hand stretched forward in front. It is advisable, not to close eyes in the initial stages as there is a chance of losing the balance. Eyes can be closed after a good practice of this asana. Focus on the breath with Pranadharana maintaining the balance of the body on left leg. This is the final posture of Natarajasana and hold it up to the capacity. Now, gently release the grip of right hand on right ankle after bringing it closer to the body in reverse manner and repeat the same stretching the left leg backwards.
3) Releasing the Asana – After repeating the asana on both the sides, release asana and come to relaxation posture.
Benefits – Improves balance, improves concentration, tones the muscles of the legs, hips, ankles, knees and shoulders, loosens joints of arms, legs, and hips. Blood circulation in legs is improved. Functioning of respiratory and digestive system is improved.
Preparatory practices- Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Veer Bhadrasana