On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
Contributions from Community
(Mind Modulation) And Ways to Overcome
A. Pramana –
In this vritti, the mind is engaged in wanting proof for everything. There are three types of pramaana – pratyaksha, anumaana and aagama.
1 – Pratyaksha means that which is obvious.
2 – Anumana means something which is not so obvious, but which can be inferred.
3 – Agama means written proof. Example – scriptures.
B. Viparyaya
Wrong knowledge is that understanding which is not based upon its real form.
C. Vikalpa
Imagining things that don’t exist is Vikalpa. Vikalpa is a sort of delusion or baseless fear. It could be just a joyful, pleasurable fantasy or it could be a baseless fear. Such thoughts and ideas are called vikalpas.
D. Nidra
The fourth one is nidra or sleep. It’s a state of pure voidness, absence of any content of mind.
E. Smriti
The fifth activity of the mind is smriti – Memory of the past experience/ remembering the experiences it had.
The different ways to overcome five Vrittis are as follows-
a – Abhyasa- Practice of Living in the Self
b – Vairagya- Dispassion towards ant thing.
Continuous effort to be established there (in the nature of the seer) is practice.
‘’sa tu dirghakaala-nairantarya-satkaarasevito-dridha-bhoomih’’
Practice done for a long time, continuously (without break) and with honour and reverence, one becomes firmly grounded on it.
‘’ Drishtaa-anushravika-vishaya-vitrishnasya-vashikaara-samjnaa-vairaagyam’’
Dispassion is the mastery over the quality of desirelesness towards anything that is seen or heard.
‘’ Tatparam-purusha-khyaaterguna-vaitrishnyam’’
That supreme dispassion (giving up even the finest qualities) comes when the awareness of the unmanifest dawns.
Mayank Raj Saxena
Life Member