On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
Constituted in 2008, Indian Yoga Association (IYA) has come a long way. The association is a maiden attempt to unite all yoga paramparas in a common cause. The Association is committed to promotion and advancement of Yoga and its applications around the world and industry-cum-self regulatory body to facilitate activities of member institutions. Let’s flip through the remarkable pages from the history of IYA that are unforgettable and have taken the association to a completely different height
Indian Yoga Association formed the Odisha State Chapter Committee on August 23, 2019 at Institute of Healthy Living Yoga and Nature Cure Trust, HIG-185 Kananvihar, PH 1, Chandrasekherpur, Patia, Bhubaneswar. On this special day of inception of Odisha SCC, Dr. Chittaranjan Sahu, Smt.Namrata Das, Dr. Manoranjan Sahoo, Smt.Diptikanta Mohapatra, Shri Akhil Chandra Rana, Shri Prafulla Kumar Behera, Smt. Baijayanti Dash, Shri Bishal Kumar Soni, Shri Manoranjan Panda, Smt Girija Shankar Satpathy, Shri Bipin Bihari Satpathy, Dr. Tapas Ranjan Sarangi, Smt Lagnajita Dash, Shri Dipak Kumar Giri, Shri Pramod Sahu, Shri Ajay Kumar Sahu, Shri Hemant Kumar Behera, Shri Sanjib Nayak, Smt. Sasmita Nayak, Smt Meenaketan Panda, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Panda, Smt Santamati Dash, Dr. Biswaranjan Rath, Smt Deepti Ranjan Panda, Shri Ranjan Kumar Swain, Shri Panchanan Das, Shri Ajit Kumar Rana, Shri Sunil Kumar Debta, Smt Damayanti Mahapatra, Smt Jasmita Das, Smt Bhubaneswari Rout, Shri Radhamohan Mishra and Shri Ravi Tumuluri, Regional Coordinator, South Region, Joint Secretary, IYA marked their presence.