On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
In one-of-its-kind endeavour, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow ogranised the first batch of Foundation Course in Yoga with Indian Yoga Association (IYA) in partnership with Ministry of AYUSH as per IYA Certification Protocol from May 1-June 11, 2021. BBAU Central University is the Associate Centre of IYA.
IYA conducted this program as part of its mandate for promotion and propagation of Yoga Certification. The course was developed under the Standing Academics and Accreditation Committee (SAAC) and comprised of all the component of the Yoga Protocol Instructor Level syllabus. The initiative is supported by AyurYoga Learning Management System by AyurYoga Life Institute, Associate Center, IYA.
Foundation Course in Yoga is an introductory course in Yoga to enable individual to gain expertise on common yoga knowledge and practices. It is being offered in three different forms.
Foundation Course in Yoga – Self Paced: A Self-Paced Online Certification Program
Theory and practical classes will be video based guided lessons without a facilitator support. Theory examination will be held online and practical examination will be held in a live online meeting.
Foundation Course in Yoga – Online Live: An Online Live Certification Program
Theory and Practical classes will be held live online everyday by the teacher using Presentations or Videos. Theory examination will be held online and practical examination will be held in a live online meeting.
Foundation Course in Yoga – Hybrid: An Unique Online and residential Certification Program
Theory and Practical classes face-to-face in the yoga studio of Teachers or Associate Centers. Theory and practical examination will be held either online or face-to-face
The course included 40 days of classes which comprised of 1200 minutes of Theory and 2400 minutes of Practical sessions. The examination for the same were held on June 10 and 11, 2021.
The topics covered in Theory included topics like Vedas, Yoga Darshan, Upanishads, General Introduction of Prasthantrayee, Samkhya Darsana, Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga, Bhagavad Gita, Two Definitions of yoga, Puranas, Salient Features of Indian Culture, Applications of Yoga, Yogic Diet and Yoga for Health Promotion. In the Practical sessions students were made to learn SukshmaVyayama, Shuddhi Kriyas, Suryanamaskar, Asanas, Pranayama – Sectional Breathing, Mudras, Mantras and Meditation.
The specific aim of the initiative was to create a large pool of Common Yoga Protocol Instructors who can then conduct the Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) for International Day of Yoga on the 21st June, 2021. Also, focus was to certify the Instructors, who will have minimum / basic common standards of Yoga knowledge and expertise irrespective of which institute he or she is certified from. These standards will become the hallmark of Yoga all over the world.
The Yoga Professionals may earn Rs.750-1500/per student for Course delivery, yoga demonstration, facilitation and venue.
The second batch will be announced soon.
- Teachers must be IYA Professional Members, IYA Life Members and Institutional members.
- Potential Yoga Teacher with relevant experience can participate in FCY by taking IYA membership.
- IYA Associate Centres must be accredited by IYA through PrCB.
- Each Teacher can handle 100 students in one batch; totally a teacher can handle maximum 4 batches.
- Accredited Associate Centers can adhere to their own framework of teacher / learning / evaluation and simply give the list of candidates who have successfully completed the FCY.