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THE ART OF LIVING - Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association

Practice of the Month


Celebrating World Meditation Day with the Indian Yoga Association 

On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…

Celebrating 6 Years of Excellence:Indian Yoga Association Gujarat Chapter Foundation Day 

The Indian Yoga Association, Gujarat Chapter, virtually celebrated its 6th Foundation Day on 29th December with the theme Yoga for Lifestyle Management. The program began with a prayer, followed by Mauli Baviskar introducing all dignitaries. The event emphasized yoga’s role in promoting holistic well-being, inspiring…

Geetham Institute of Alternative Medicine hosts transformative sessions 

In December, Geetham Institute of Alternative Medicine, Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association hosted a series of transformative sessions centered on Varma therapy, which plays a significant role in enhancing physical, mental, and emotional health. The month-long series was conducted by experienced practitioners, each focusing…

Indian ancient Siddhars and the science of longevity: A remarkable discovery byAttangaogam Peedam 

Recent research, supported by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), sheds light on the ancient practice of Attangaogam, Associate Centre of Indian Yoga Association, and its impact on longevity. The study, titled “Effect of Yoga-Pranayamam on Telomere Length in Medical Students,” revealed ground breaking…

Tamil Nadu SCC meets to discuss way forward 

The Tamil Nadu State Chapter Committee meeting was held in World Community Service Centre, Chennai on December 28, 2024, at 10:30am. The meeting commenced with a prayer and meditation session, creating a serene atmosphere for the discussions that followed. Shri Rajeshwari Prabhakaran, Senior Vice-Chairman of…

Enriching programs at Sri Aurobindo Society, Hyderabad 

Throughout December, the Sri Aurobindo Society, Hyderabad, hosted a series of insightful talks and satsangs, focusing on various elements of yoga and spiritual growth. The month began with Elements of Yoga 1 by Smt. Suneetha Sekhar on 1st December, followed by Smt. Harshitha’s session on…

Vedic Kaya Sadhana celebrates convocation ceremony 

The Vedic Kaya Sadhana, Associate Centre of the Indian Yoga Association, recently held its convocation ceremony, marking a significant milestone for its graduating students. The event celebrated the culmination of rigorous training and dedication, with graduates receiving certifications that recognize their comprehensive understanding and expertise…

SSIYRC Students Set World Record inArdha Matsyendrasana 

In a remarkable achievement, 105 students from the Sri Shankari Institute of Yoga and Research Center, Gummudipoondi (SSIYRC), Associate Centre of the Indian Yoga Association, sustained the Ardha Matsyendrasana pose for an impressive 10 minutes, earning them a place in the Worldwide Book of Records….

Sree Bala Yoga Studio reflects on a year of remarkable achievements in 2024 

Sree Bala Yoga Studio, Associate Centre of the Indian Yoga Association, celebrated a year of significant milestones in 2024, underscoring its commitment to yoga education and community wellness. The studio conducted two sessions of its 200-hour Certificate Course in Yoga and a 500-hour Advanced Certificate…

Ananda Chaitanya Meditation Center launches in Coimbatore 

The Ananda Chaitanya Meditation Center in Kurumbapalayam, Coimbatore, Associate Centre of the Indian Yoga Association was inaugurated with grandeur on December 20, 2024. The event began with the traditional lighting of the kuthuvilakku by renowned writer Jeyamohan, symbolizing the dispelling of ignorance and the illumination…

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07 Feb 2025


Legacy Series


Serving Society by Strengthening the Individual

Operating in 156 coun­tries, The Art of Liv­ing is a non-profit, educational and hu­manitarian organiza­tion founded in 1981 by the world-renowned humanitarian and spiritual teacher – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

All the programs are guided by Gu­rudev’s philosophy: “Unless we have a stress-free mind and a violence-free so­ciety, we cannot achieve world peace.”

The Art of Living community is di­verse and attracts people from all walks of life. The Art of Living is an organi­zation with one of the largest volunteer bases in the world. The international headquarters is located in Bengaluru, India. Globally, the organization oper­ates as The Art of Living Foundation formed in 1989 in the United States of America and in Germany. Since then, local centers have been established across the world.


Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a renowned spiritual leader and humanitarian with a vision of a one world family. An icon of non-violence and universal human values, Gurudev’s message has inspired millions of people around the world to lead more peaceful, compassionate lives, to serve their communities and find cooperative, non-violent solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. Gurudev has founded several organizations, in­cluding The Art of Living and the International Association for Human Values, to take forward his vision through programs and initiatives. Gurudev has reached out to millions of people worldwide through personal interactions, teachings, and hu­manitarian initiatives. Born in 1956 in Southern In­dia, Gurudev was a gifted child. By the age of four, he was able to recite parts of the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Sanskrit scripture and was often found in meditation. Gurudev holds degrees in both Vedic Literature and Physics. In 1982, Gurudev entered a ten-day period of silence in Shimoga, Karnataka, and the Sudarshan Kriya – a powerful breathing technique, was born.
As he began sharing this knowledge, the Art of Living developed into a global humanitarian move­ment. Its educational and self-development pro­grams offer powerful tools to eliminate stress and foster a sense of well-being. These practices have proven effective globally and at all strata of society.

In 1997, he also founded the International Associa­tion for Human Values (IAHV), headquartered at Geneva, Switzerland. In association with The Art of Living, IAHV coordinates sustainable development projects, conflict-resolution initiatives, and disaster relief efforts.

“It is only through unshakeable peace within the individual that we can move towards the idea of global peace,” says Gurudev.

He has developed practical approaches to achieving peace, both at an individual level and in society. His powerful breathing and meditation techniques have not only calmed the minds of violent aggressors in different parts of the world, but also provided solace and emotional strength to victims of violent conflicts. With a global network of dedicated volunteers in 156 countries, his initiatives impact every section of society, from militants and hardened convicts in prisons, to victims of trauma, to ordinary citizens the world over.

The Art of Living offers numerous, highly effec­tive educational and self-development programs and tools that facilitate the elimination of stress. These tools also foster deep and profound inner peace, hap­piness, and well-being for all individuals.

These programs, which include breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, and practical wisdom for daily liv­ing, have helped millions around the world to com­pletely transform their lives.
Breathing is the first act of life. Within the breath is the unexplored secret of life. Sudarshan Kriya is a powerful yet simple rhythmic breathing tech­nique. It incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath, harmonizing the body, mind and emotions. The technique eliminates stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, frustration and depression, leaving the mind calm, focused and the body ener­gized, completely relaxed.

Day follows night, seasons come and go, a tree sheds it old leaves to get new ones ~ This is Nature’s rhythm. Similarly there are biological rhythms of the body, mind and emotions corresponding to those found in Nature. When stress or illness distort these biological rhythms, we experience discomfort, dis­content, and feel upset and unhappy.

Sudarshan Kriya® harmonizes these rhythms of the body, mind and emotions with those of Nature. Being in sync, we experience better health and joy which in turn brings harmony in our activities and relationships. Studies show that Prolactin, a well-being hormone, significantly increases from the very first session. Find here all about research on Sudarshan Kriya http://aolresearch.org/published_research.html

Sudarshan Kriya practitioners have reported better immunity, increased stamina and sustained high-energy levels. It has benefited millions of people on this planet making their lives a celebration!

The Art of Living movement has promoted devel­opment and progress across communities through diverse humanitarian projects.

These projects span diverse areas including:

  • Integrated Community Development projects
  • Education
  • Health and hygiene
  • Environment protection and sustainability
  • Women empowerment and child protection
  • Disaster relief management
  • Prisoner rehabilitation and conflict resolution

Sri Sri Yoga is a discipline, both gentle and pow­erful, that integrates elements from the different paths of yoga, especially Hatha yoga, unifying body, mind and breath in awareness. Here the wisdom and techniques of yoga are brought to you in a joyful and thorough manner, and covers a vast range from breathing techniques to various body postures (asa­nas) to knowledge and guided medita­tions.

Sri Sri Yoga goes beyond the physi­cal body and helps you sharpen your sensitivity towards more subtle levels of existence, leading to a full blossoming of the human po­tential. Sri Sri Yoga Programs have been designed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for the well-being of the body while nurturing your mind and spirit. Whether you are a beginner to yoga or a regular practitioner wanting to dive deeper into yoga practice, you will find something for yourself in Sri Sri Yoga program.

Sri Sri Yoga celebrates the diversity in yoga in a simple and joyful manner. We combine yoga essentials: breathing techniques, stretching, yoga postures, meditation, relaxation and yogic knowledge. Practice of Sri Sri Yoga cultivates a healthier and happier lifestyle.


  • Sudarshan Kriya
  • Social initiatives
  • Sri Sri Yoga

Sri Sri School of Yoga

founded by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, seeks to expand the world’s understanding of Yoga through an education and training that are steeped in the Ve­dic tradition – the original roots of Yoga – and a long lineage of masters while making Yoga accessible and applicable for modern day use for people of all ages, abilities, cultures and religions. Through a compre­hensive and multi-dimensional science-based educa­tion, our school’s course teaches about and integrate all paths of Yoga including Hatha Yoga (effort), Raja Yoga (effortless, royal) Gyana Yoga (wisdom), Karma Yoga (service & action), Bhakti Yoga (love & devotion) and more. The primary elements of our training are asanas (postures), pranayamas (breath­ing techniques), meditation and the experience and application of Yoga beyond the Yoga mat. Course participants undergo our rigorous training and are equipped with a deep and personal understanding and experience of Yoga that enables them to bring these different dimensions of Yoga to their students. The simplicity of Gurudev’s approach to Yoga combines the fundamental principles of practice (sadhana), service (seva) and devotion (Satsang) – this unique approach empowers individuals to thrive and society to blossom in human values. The school has certified over 25000 Yoga trainers around the world.

Sri Sri School of Yoga is a Registered Yoga School (RYS®) with Yoga Alliance, USA since 2010. Sri Sri School of Yoga is a member of Indian Yoga Association, a maiden effort made by the Government of India and all leading yoga institutions following lineages of more than 25-30 years to bring together all institutes of Yoga under one umbrella

The Teachers Training Programs offered at the Sri Sri School of Yoga takes the participants through an immersive experience of the authentic teachings in the ancient texts of Yoga. The graduates learn through self-experience of each process and technique to be able to transmit and not just teach what they have learnt and imbibed themselves. Gurudev says our vibes and energy speaks much louder than our words. The Teachers Training Programs are aimed at deeply experiencing Yoga than learning to teach so that our teachers can transfer to their students, a relaxed state of mind and a deep connection with their inner self.

Sri Sri Yoga Teacher’s Training Program
Sri Sri School of Yoga

Gurudev has expounded the Yogasutras in en­tirety. Though the Yogasutras themselves do not contain a single Asana or Pranayama, how an Asana needs to be performed and what qualifies to be Pranayama are explained in detail. The focus on listening to the body, letting go and relaxing in the Asana ensures that the key points mentioned by Maharshi Patanjali are followed in the practice of Sri Sri Yoga. The various hurdles on the path of Yoga and how they need to be overcome are among the many key points that define Sri Sri Yoga and its unique approach that marries tradi­tional understanding and modern interpretation to suit the new generations.

Key Elements

Science of Breath
Understanding the secrets of breath and how to use special breathing techniques like Sudarshana Kriya to quieten the mind to bring it to a meditative state. The focus on meditation is central to Sri Sri Yoga.

Attention is the key
Practicing with all awareness and attention yet gentle and effortless – Satkara Sevita is, doing Yoga with reverence and respect. Respect means what? Giving your 100% attention to something is respect. Respecting the body is Asana. Respecting the breath is Pranayama!

Sadhana – The real wealth
Sadhana is the personal practice. Commitment to practicing what we teach is the extremely important for a Yoga teacher. Understanding Sadhana as Sah Dhana, your “own” wealth that you carry on from one life to another in the form of positive impressions.

Ashtang Yoga – Eight Limbs of Yoga
Understanding Ashtanga Yoga that Maharishi Patanjali explains in the Yogasutras not eight steps or Ashtha Pada but eight parts of the same body or Ashta-anga. A table may have four legs but if you want to pull the table getting a grip on just one of its legs is good enough. The other 3 legs come along with it. Similarly go­ing deep into one limb of Yoga will ensure that you attain the other seven as well. Just a glimpse of Samadhi can get you established in the Yamas.

Punarnava – always new
Understanding the human body and systems from the modern scientific perspective and from the Rishis of the Yore both at the same time. Understanding how the ancient techniques of yoga affect various body func­tions and the subtle body functions.

Journey from question to wonder
Questions can be frustrating while wonder, a beautiful “I don’t know?” can lead you to real answers. Vis­mayo Yoga Bhumika- wonderment is the foundation of Yoga. The wow factor is very essential in life in order to become a Yogi

Yoga beyond asana
Understanding that Skill in Action is Yoga. Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam. When we are happy, there is a natural tendency to share and give. If learning and practice of Yoga is not inspiring you to serve then there is something missing – Karma Yoga is a very im­portant aspect of all our programs. Looking at Yoga from a lens that goes beyond plain Asana and Pranayama and gives it a holistic outlook.

True Health
Understanding good health as not just a body free from illness but also a mind free from prejudice and stress.

Yogic diet
Focus on consuming good food that is grown organically and is local to the geography of the consumer.

The school offers:

Residential 21 days or Online 8 weeks

– Hatha Yoga Teachers Training Course
– Children’s Yoga Teachers Training Course
– Pre & Post Natal Yoga Teachers Training Certifi­cate Course

Residential 28 days or Online 12 weeks
– 200 Hr Yoga Teachers Training Certificate Course
– 300 Hr Advanced Yoga Teachers Training Certificate Course

To know more about the Trainings: https://srisrischoolofyoga.org/

Sri Sri University

Envisioned by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji, Sri Sri Uni­versity was established in 2009 as a centre for world-class education in India. The university offers a range of pivotal, unique and cutting-edge undergrad­uate, postgraduate degree programmes, short-term, diploma and certificate courses, Doctoral studies (PhD), that seek to preserve the ancient wisdom of the East and offer the best of Western innovation.

Sri Sri University today offers value-based education in specialized areas of study including Management, Yoga, Science, Sanskrit, Journalism, Psychology, Architecture, Health and Wellness, Applied Arts, Painting and Performing Arts.

We take pride in offering a curriculum that enriches both domain expertise and life skills. The university provides a unique social culture which nurtures a rich learning environment and aids excellence in students through its virtually smoke-free, alcohol-free ,drug-free and completely vegetarian campus. The Art of Living Program (Happiness Program) is an integral part of the curriculum. The program provides participants with practical tools and tech­niques, including yoga, meditation and pranayam, to effectively handle stress.

In the next five years, the campus is poised to be­come a multi-disciplinary educational hub hosting over 7500 students.

The university is located in a sprawling 188 acre campus between Bhubaneswar and Cuttack.
The Faculty of Yoga is dedicated to the educaion, preservation and application of the sublime teach­ings of Yoga, making the study of yoga and yogic practices highly experiential and scientific, thus lending itself to intellectual growth and personal transformation.

Faculty of Yoga
The Faculty of Yoga at Sri Sri University currently offers the following programmes:

  • Master of Arts (Yoga)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Yoga)
  • Certificate Course in Yoga (CCY)

The Legacy Series articles are contributed by institutional members of IYA and are published as pro­vided by them; we encourage all Member Institutions of the Association to send a six page article with some photos about their organisations

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