On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
A Report on Novel Initiatives by the CYTER of SBV
Current scenario across the globe: The COVID19 invasion of the whole world has brought with it a great deal of stress for each and every individual on this planet. The pandemic is advancing at a staggering pace and this “invisible enemy” has affected each and every individual with fear and threat of danger and uncertainty.
‘Yogic Self Care’ by CYTER: During the time of the lockdown worldwide, there is increased mental stress, emotional volatility and lack of physical exercise that leaves people feeling increasingly disempowered. To overcome this, the Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER) of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV), Deemed to be University in Pondicherry has launched a series of online sessions of “YOGIC SELF CARE” since April 2020. The sessions are being shared through the FB page of CYTER designated for the same www.facebook.com/yogicselfcare.
These pioneering initiatives to help our society during this COVID-19 pandemic has been appreciated and supported by the Ministry of AYUSH by mention in its social media. People of all age groups have participated, benefitted and enjoyed these sessions conducted by qualified faculty and staff of CYTER as well as nationally and internationally renowned Yoga personnel enabling them to win over this disease.
Yoga for the welfare of SBV employees: The employees of SBV are under tremendous stress due to direct exposure to the COVID-19. A joint survey is being conducted by CYTER along with the department of Psychiatry of MGMCRI to understand their level of stress and as a solution CYTER is offering direct and online yoga sessions for the welfare of the SBV employees.
The training programs have been organised by the Personnel Department of SBV, focusing on health issues of SBV employees during Covid. Yoga sessions are being scheduled and conducted on Wednesday afternoons by CYTER since the 23rd of September 2020, with batches having limited participants and strictly following social distancing and hygiene norms as stipulated by the health authorities and the Government. There has been a reduction of 48% in anxiety levels of the participants even after a single session of such yoga based stress management and relaxation at CYTER.
This program was inaugurated by the Personal Manager, Sri Balamugundan and senior members (Assistant Personal Manager Mrs Nisha, Housekeeping Manager Mr Nandha Kumar) participated along with the others. Yogic techniques such as Jathis & Kriyas, simplified asanas along with Pranayama and relaxation practices are being given during these sessions.
COVID Home Care packages are being offered for the COVID patients quarantined at home through SBV’s “E- Healthcare Services” through which consultations and Yoga sessions will be offered to enable them regain their health and wholistic wellness from home.
Yoga in COVID wards: CYTER of SBV, functioning at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMCRI) of Pondicherry is the first one of its kind to start and sustain regular Yoga training for the COVID positive patients admitted to the hospital, as it would add to the recovery and overall wellbeing of the patients.
The Yoga Instructors of CYTER Sri Danushapnadeesh P and Mrs Sarulatha G underwent Donning Doffing of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kit training sessions and virtual ward orientation sessions before starting the Yoga training sessions to the patients admitted in the COVID wards of MGMCRI.
Regular Yoga practice sessions are going on in the COVID wards from the September 7, 2020. An hour of simplified Yoga techniques is being given during the training sessions that are conducted four days a week. Both the Yoga instructors are conducting the training with a sense of devoted commitment and full zest. The same is reflected upon by the COVID ward patients who willingly and enthusiastically participate with involvement in these lively sessions that will add up to their speedy recovery and healing.
On an average 35 to 40 COVID patients participate in the Yoga training every day summing up to around 400 plus patients having been benefitted immensely till date. As evidenced by the scientific studies, practice of Yoga addresses and enhances the physical, mental and emotional dimensions of health and wellness. We truly appreciate the sincerity, boldness and the Yogic spirits of both our Yoga instructors who are serving these patients admitted to the COVID wards of MGMCRI.
Positive feedback has been received from both the patients as well as their families who have appreciated this novel approach for health and wellness. Many of them have also been in contact with our team after going home and have reported that they are continuing the practices. They have especially found benefits in the oxygen saturation levels and a general sense of empowered wellness.
We need to refocus on our own salutogenesis (Swastha), our own inherent capacity and ability to be responsible for our health and happiness. Yoga empowers us, and enables us to take charge of our own life, thus promoting holistic health for each and every one of us. If only we can fine-tune our chords of health and hope, world will certainly witness the success of a healthy and happy humanity earlier than later.
Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani
( Editor-in-Chief )