On World Meditation Day, the Associate Centres and Member Institutes of the Indian Yoga Association came together to honour the profound practice of meditation. Across various locations, our community gathered to reflect, connect, and deepen their meditation journeys, fostering a sense of unity and inner…
The State Chapters of Indian Yoga Association celebrated 6th International Day of Yoga with full fervor and enthusiasm. Each and every State Chapter organized a series of events, online endeavours and webinars to discuss and stress upon the importance of yoga. In this fast paced world where everybody is trying to be part of the rat race and emerge as a winner, Yoga offers the much needed balance and it is highly imperative to inculcate it as the vital part of our lifestyles.
Here are few glimpses of the activities State Chapters of IYA indulged in during the 6th International Day of Yoga to promote and propagate Yoga.
Gujarat State Chapter
Gujarat SC organizes a Webinar to celebrate IDY
Gujarat SC celebrated the 6th International Yoga Day through an online webinar ‘Health and Happiness through Yogic Lifestyle’ conducted live on facebook on 21 June from 4:30- 5:45 pm IST. The webinar was supported and sponsored by Gujarat Tourism.

The webinar started with a beautiful slide presentation about the members and activity of IYA-Gujarat team members. Maa Hansaji Jayadev, Senior Vice President and Shri Subodh Tiwari, Vice President and Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Director, Standing Publicity, Publication & P.R. Committee extended their blessing with small videos.
Hounarable Swami Adhyatmanadaji from Shivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad and Hounarable Yogi Shri Bhandevji from Rajkot were the chief speakers of the webinar.
It was an enriching webinar and an excellent opportunity for the yoga enthusiasts to listen and gain wisdom from such knowledgeable people.
Assam State Chapter
MSSV with Assam SC organizes National Webinar
Department of Yogic Science and Naturopathy, Guwahati Campus, Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya (MSSV), Assam organized a national webinar on ‘Yogic Solutions to Psychological Challenges Arising in Present Situation (COVID-19)’ in collaboration with Indian Yoga Association (IYA), Assam State Chapter, Krishna Kanta Handique Govt. Sanskrit College, Jalukbari and Indian Yoga Culture and Yoga Therapy Centre, Maligaon, Guwahati.

The one day webinar held on June 20, 2020 was organized to celebrate IDY while dealing with the current situation of COVID-19 Pandemic.
National Webinar was started with the Upanishadic Mantra and a welcome note by Prof. Bali Narayan Phukan, Head, Dept. of Yogic Science and Naturopathy, MSSV, Guwahati Campus.
Prof. Hitesh Deka, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, MSSV, Nagaon, Assam in his inaugural address emphasized on the fact that we need to keep our metal health strong, to face the psychological challenges arising in present situation. He further noted that, to achieve this, Yoga is an important tool.
Thereafter, Dr. Binita Bhagawati, Principal, Krishna Kanta Handique Govt. Sanskrit College, Jalukbari; Yogacharya Subhasish Kar, President, Indian Yoga Culture and Yoga Therapy Centre, Maligaon, Guwahati and Shri. Ravi Tumuluri, Joint Secretary, IYA formally extended their good wishes for the success of the National Webinar.
Dr. Chinmay Pandya, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar in his Key Note address explained the importance of human excellence. He further suggested the possible solutions to tackle psychological challenges with the help of Yoga. He emphasized to visualise and realise the true nature, potentials of human being.
Resource Person, Dr. Sampadananda Mishra, Director, Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture, Pondicherry shared his expert knowledge on Yogic Equality- a way to remain unmoved in all situations. He focused on problems which everyone faces in the world. He emphasized that yogic equality is the solution for these problems. Being enduring and indifference in particular situation can help a lot. He beautifully explained the practical meaning of Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam.
In the second session, resource person, Dr. Sadhana Dauneria, Head, Department of Yoga, Barkatullah University, Bhopal illustrated the yogic ways for coping with stress during COVID-19 outbreak. She explained the methods of Shat-karma, Asana, Pranayama and Meditation to be practiced during this situation. Dr. Vivek Maheshwari, Associate Professor, Lakulish Yoga University, Ahmedabad, another resource person, explained the importance of yoga to prevent ourselves from negative thinking. He focused on the need of Yoga during these days to prevent from depression and related problems.
Dr. S. P. Mishra, Vice President and CEO, PrCB, Indian Yoga Association (IYA), another resource person, emphasized on the need of Yoga to improve the psychological immunity. He quoted various researches already done in the field of Yoga, which indicates that, Yogic practices along with Gayatri Mantra chanting and Yajna are very beneficial to improve our immunity, physical as well as psychological.
The webinar concluded with Prof. B. N. Phukan expressing his thanks to all the speakers and Shanti Mantra. As many as 650 people registered for the webinar.
The Organising Committee of the webinar included names like Dr. Binita Bhagawati, Principal,
K. K. Handique. Govt. Sanskrit College, Yogacharya Subhasish Kar, President, Indian Yoga Culture and Yoga Therapy Centre, Maligaon, Guwahati, Shri. Ravi Tumuluri, Joint Secretary, IYA, Dr. Shekhar K. Sarkar, Assistant Registrar (Admin.), MSSV, Shri. Bichitra Bikash, Assistant Registrar (Acad.), MSSV, Dr. Nayanmoni Saikia, Assistant Registrar (Admin.), MSSV as the advisors.
Dr. Ujjwal Arun Maske, Dept. of Yogic Science & Naturopathy, MSSV was the Organising Secretary while .Mr. Malay Sinha, Dept. of Yogic Science & Naturopathy, MSSV, Mrs. Varsha Ujjwal Maske, Dept. of Yogic Science & Naturopathy, MSSV, Mrs. Mousumi Borpuzari, Secretary, IYA, Assam State Chapter and Yogvaid Bikash Narayan Sharma, State Coordinator, IYC&YTC were the Co-organising Secretaries.
Ms. Madhan Borah, Mr. Hridayananda Tamuli Phukan and Mr. Shekhar Boro were the members of the Organising Committee.
Puducherry UT Chapter
SBV join hands with IYA for an International Webinar
Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry celebrated the 6th International Day of Yoga with an International Webinar on “Role of Yoga in times of COVID 19” from June 18-20, 2020. The webinar was organized in collaboration with Indian Yoga Association, Loyola Marymount University, USA, Om Yoga Studio, UK, Smart Safe Yoga, USA, the Himalayan Tradition and Ananda Ashram (ICYER), Pondicherry.

The resource persons included eminent international yoga experts such as Dr Stephan Parker (Stomaji), USA, Lori Rubestein Fazzio, LMU, USA, Matthew Taylor, Smart Safe Yoga, USA and Yogacharini Kalavathi Devi, Om Yoga Studio, UK. As many as 348 participants registered out of which 145 were international participants from 21 countries across the globe.
On June 18, 2020 the webinar commenced with prayer and invocation followed by a welcome address by Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Director, CYTER of SBV and Director, Standing Publicity, Publication & P.R. Committee, IYA. After a brief introduction of speakers by Dr. Meena Ramanathan, Deputy Director, CYTER, the webinar was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of SBV Prof SC Parija. In his address he said, ‘Yoga is one of the best gifts India has shared with the rest of the world in the spirit of Vasudeva Kutumbakam. Yoga provides holistic approach to health and well-being.
In the next session on ‘Coping with Fear in the time of Corona virus’ by Dr. Stephen Parker, psychologist and a certified Yoga Therapist, he talked on how fear that is prevalent in everyone is one of the major cause of illness and how to overcome that through Yogic technique of mindful awareness.
In the next session on ‘Health & Wellness in Senior Citizen in times of COVID-19’ by Dr Meena Ramanathan, she explained the intricate concepts on how stress and fear affects our immunity in a very simple and cognizable manner and how Yoga, by working on emotions & mind is effective in strengthening our immune system. Followed by an energising yet calming practical session on various Yogic techniques for elderly in these tough times of COVID-19 that will help them maintain their health and wellbeing.
The first session on the second day ‘Cultivating Resilience during Covid’ by Dr Lori Rubenstein Fazzio, Loyala Mount University, USA highlighted how Yogic practices of Nada Yoga, Pratyahara and Pratipaksha Bhavana can help build resilience and gave simple practices to practise them in day-to-day life. This was followed by Dr Ananda’s session on ‘Enhancing Self care through Yoga during COVID-19. He in detail explained how Pathogenesis worsens fear, while salutogenesis enhances all body systems. He also talked about Yoga can take charge of our emotions, through Yogic techniques of Yama & Niyama (cleanliness, purity and self control), Seva & Nishkama Karma (to help fellows who are in need), Mudita (for the frontline warriors) and Karuna (towards those who are suffering), Kriya Yoga to attenuate Kleshas, help manifest wellness.
Thereafter, he taught few traditional techniques of Gitananda tradition like Nada Bhavana Shuddhi Kriya, Brahma Mudra, Spanda- Nishpanda Kriya to effectively release anxiety and stress. The last session was on ‘Yogic Self Care Practices’ by Dayanidy G, Asst. Professor, CYTER. He taught in-depth and demonstrated various techniques like Jathis, Pavanmuktasna Kriya, Vyaghra Pranayama, Baddhkonasana and gave very useful tips to practice these techniques effectively, useful for both beginners and trained Yoga professionals.
Last day of the international webinar commenced with the session on ‘Should Yoga find a rightful place in our educational systems in COVID-19 era?’ by Dr BV Adkoli, DIrector, CHPE of SBV. He stressed on how Yoga can help in building a new era by teaching students the most important learning of life that is balance, also helping them de-stress and gain better emotional control.
Next session by Dr Matthew Taylor on ‘Pain, Pandemic, Plexus and Purpose’ highlighted 5 Es of pain in respect to the body and relationship with society and how necessary it is to realise the connection between self and society and the purpose that an individual needs to fulfill in the society.
Following that was a practical session taken by Yogacharini Kalavathi Devi on Gitananda Yoga techniques for health and wellness. She explained the core techniques of the Gitananda tradition like Mukha Bhastrika and Vibhaga Pranayama with Sparsha Mudras to enhance lung capacity that is very vital in these difficult times of Covid-19.
The three day international webinar was concluded by Dr. Ananda with a Vote of Thanks. Gratitude was expressed to the Chancellor and Vice- Chancellor, Dean Faculty, Registrar and all senior faculty members for their continued support to CYTER. He also thanked all resource persons and the collaborating organizations and expressed deep gratitude to all the participants for making the webinar a huge success.
IYA, SAFIC & SAS join hands for YogaShree
Puducherry Chapter of IYA observed 6th International Day of Yoga by hosting a webinar YogaShree in collaboration with Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC), Sri Aurobindo Society (SAS), Puducherry June 21, 2020 from 10:30 am to 1.00 pm.
This two and half hour webinar had an eclectic mix of panelists who shared their insights on different aspects of Yoga in the light of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga.

The webinar started off with an artistic and graceful invocation, a rhythmic sequencing of asanas by Ms. Ranjana Swain, the lead yoga instructor at SAFIC.
This was followed by a general introduction and welcome speech by the program host & facilitator Dr. Sampadananda Mishra Ji, Director of SAFIC & Secretary IYA Puducherry Chapter, who is also a world renowned Sanskrit scholar and expert. He also shared his valuable insights on Mantra Yoga.
Dr. Ananda Reddy, Director of Sri Aurobindo Center for Advanced Research (SACAR), Puducherry, delivered the Keynote address on ‘Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo’. Dr. Reddy, a scholar par excellence, enlightened the audience with his rich understanding of Sri Aurobindo’s all-encompassing Integral Yoga which is so very relevant in today’s fragmented world view of ordinary existence.
Dr. Bhalendu Vaishnav, Chairperson, Sri Aurobindo Chair of Integral Studies, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar – spoke about Managing the current COVID19 crisis in the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He shared many practical guidelines from the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with regard to the current situation by which the whole world is troubled.
Ms. Reshma Gurnaney, a Yoga Teacher from Mumbai then spoke about world of Mudras and also practically demonstrated various powerful Mudras along with their significance. Many participants joined in to practice live online during the session. The significance of the Mudras was also explained by taking insights from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.
Mr. Auro Ashish, Founder of Lifestyle Yoga Studio and Joint Secretary of IYA Puducherry Chapter, spoke about and shared his insights about “Sacred Traditional Yoga Props” in the light of Bhagavad Gita (6:11) and sensitized the audience about usage of Eco-friendly & Natural Yoga Mats & Props.
Finally Dr. Sampadananda Mishra Ji, Director, SAFIC & Secretary IYA Puducherry Chapter concluded the session and thanked everyone for making the webinar event so memorable.
Kerala State Chapter
Free Training on CYP by VKVVF
A four-day free training on Common Yoga Protocol was given by Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation, Kerala from June 17-20, 2020. The training was conducted online as a part of International Yoga celebrations by Indian Yoga Association- Kerala State Chapter

Online Sessions held to celebrate the spirit of Yoga
Kerala Chapter of IYA held one hour Webinar for four day starting from June 17-20, 2020 in Malayalam. From 11.00-12pm.
– On June 17, 2020 Sri. Kaithapram Vasudevan Namboodiri did an online session on Practical applications of Yog Sutras in daily life.
– On June 18, 2020 Sri.Shyju Krishnan took a session on The science of Pranayama
– On June 19, 2020, Dr. Nisha Manikantan, Art of Living took a enlightening session on Yogic Diet and Wellness
– On June 20, 2020 Yogacharya Harilal, Founder Director, Arsha Yoga Gurukulam did a session on Yoga and Psychology
Yogacharyas discuss Healing Powers of Yoga during COVID-19
IYA Kerala Chapter as part of the IDY celebrations conducted a Panel Discussion as part of ‘Meet the Masters’ with renowned Yoga Masters on June 20, 2020 on Zoom from 3 pm- 5pm.
The expert panel included names like Sri Narayanan, Renowned Yoga Master, Sivananda Yoga Vedanta, Dhanwantari Ashram, Yogacharya Sri.Kaithapram Vasudevan Namboothiri, Director Pathanjali Yoga Training and Research Centre, Joint Secretary of Indian Yoga Association, Kerala chapter, Yogacharya Harilal, Founder Director, Arsha Yoga Gurukulam, Dr. Atmadev Damodar, Director, Centre of Samskar Re-Engineering and Sri Shyju Krishnan BP, Master Trainer in Yoga, Sri Sri School of Yoga.
108 Sun Salutation Challenge by Sivananda

To mark the celebrations of the 6th IDY, Sivananda Ashram, Neyyardam organized 108 Sun Salutation Challenge. The challenge was open to all irrespective of their age. The challenge was organized on June 21, 2020 from 8: 30 am to 9:45 pm
The Happy Hour with Anand Narayan

Based on the Ministry of AYUSH Common Yoga Protocol, Shri Anand Narayan, Singer, TV Anchor and a Certified Yoga Trainer ogranised an online session ‘The Happy Hour’ from 7 am-8am on June 21, 2020.
The session encapsulated practice of Asanas, Pranayama and Dhayana. The session was held in collabration with Indian Yoga Association and Sri Sri Yoga.
Haryana State Chapter
Haryana sensitise people about Yoga
Haryana State Chapter of IYA celebrated the 6th International Day of Yoga 2020 with great enthusiasm at Mahatma Anand Swami Auditorium, Dayanand Brahms College, Hisar. The program was broadcasted Live on the Facebook pages of Shri Ish Kumar Arya ji, Secretary of the Haryana SC and Shri Verender Badala ji.

The participants practiced Common Yoga Protocol which was lead Shri Sunil Kakkar ji. Others who participated were Smt. Kavita Sharma ji, Smt. Raina Jattan ji, Shri Satveer Singh ji, Shri Ish Kumar Arya ji.
The program was chaired by Shri Virendra Badala ji. After welcoming the Chief Guest Shri Mukesh Kumar ji, Shri Vinay Malhotra, Smt. Seema Malhotra and others, Shri Ish Kumar Arya pledged to do yoga every day.
Shri Dr. Jaideep Arya ji, Chairman, Haryana Yoga Parishad and Joint Secretary, IYA extended its best wishes and Shri Mukesh Kumar ji urged everyone to make yoga a part of their lifestyle.
Jammu & Kashmir UT Chapter
J&K organises IDY will full enthusiasm.

Keeping up with the national spirit of 6th International Day of Yoga, Jammu and Kashmir State Chapter of Indian Yoga Association held the celebrations by bringing people together and performing yoga. Here are few glimpses.
West Bengal State Chapter
WBSC and VYASA, Kolkata jointly celebrates IDY
VYASA Kolkata and IYA West Bengal in association with Lions Club International, Kolkata held an online Yoga day event to mark the celebrations on June 21, 2020 together. It was attended by 120 people. The program started with a prayer and welcome speech by Guruji Dr. H R Nagendra, President of IYA followed by the address of Shri Bishnu Dhanuka, President, VYASA Kolkata and Shri Gupta, President, Lions Club.
The practical session commenced with a speech on yoga therapy in our daily life by Dr. Abhijit Ghosh, Director VYASA and Secretary, WB Chapter, IYA. Thereafter, 30 minutes practice session was conducted by Yogacharya Pritam Khan and Shri Prasanjit Mondal ji. The entire coordination was handled by Shri Pranay Das. The event concluded with Shri Anil Minda, Secretary, Lions Club giving the vote of thanks. The event was successfully conducted and many participants were inspired to follow yoga as the way of life.
Yogalife Global, Oplus Healthcare & IYA organizes FB Live

Yogacharya Shambu Raj, Director, Yogalife Global and IYA, and Oplus Healthcare organised a FB Live wishing everyone on IDY, 2020.
Offline yoga sessions were also held which was especially beneficial for Diabetes, Cardio and Hypertension.
Through this session more than 3500 people were benefitted by connecting and participating.
Odisha State Chapter
Odisha SC celebrates IDY with an online session

Odisha State Chapter to mark the celebrations of 6th International Day of Yoga organized an online session on theme My Life My Yoga with a Healthy Life Yoga. Dr Chitranjan Sahu, VYASA and Secretary, Odisha State Chapter Committee performed yogasanas to boost immunity.
Chandigarh Chapter goes Live

Chandigarh Chapter of Indian Yoga Association held an online Live training session on Common Yoga Protocol on June 20, 2020 as a prelude to the 6th International National Day of Yoga.
Tamil Nadu State Chapter
National Online Symposium by TNSC
Tamil Nadu State Chapter of IYA successfully organized the National Online Symposium on ‘Role of Yoga and Yoginis on COVID – 19 Pandemic’ on July 14, 2020 from 11-12:30 pm. The symposium was attended by Prof.Dr.A.M.Moorthy, Chairman, TNSC Shri Ravi Tumuluri, Joint Secretary Indian Yoga Association & Regional Co-ordinator, Southern Region, IYA. His Holiness Gurumahan, Universal Peace Foundation extended his blessings.

Dr. N.A. Perrumal, Director – General WCSC- VISION for Wisdom, Mrs.Rajeswari, Senior State Co-ordinator for Patanjali, Shri.S.Sridharan, Trustee, Yoga Therapist Consultant and Mentor at Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM), Chennai were the guest speakers for the day.
Prof.Dr.R.Elangovan, Secretary TNSC thanked gave the vote of thanks.
MAHER celebrates IDY 2020 with series of events
Faculty of Yoga Sciences and Therapy, Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University), Chennai in association with IYA organized various programs and events on account of International Day of Yoga 2020.
S.No | Date (2020) | Programme |
1 | May 28 | International Online Yoga Competitions |
2 | June 17 | International Online Yogic quiz competitions Quiz |
3 | June 22 | International Online Yoga competitions |
4 | June 15-20 | Online classes on Common Yoga protocol |
5 | June 15 | Online revolutionary programme |
6 | June 15 | Special Webinar (Online Workshop) (e-PG Pathsala and Consortium for Educational Communication (undergraduate) – CEC) by Yogachikitsaka Dr.B.Soundiram, Director, Yogakshemam (Yoga Therapy Education & Research Institute), Pondicherry |
7 | June 16 | International Online video oratorical competitions |
8 | June 16 | Special Webinar (Online Workshop) (e-PG Pathsala and Consortium for Educational Communication (undergraduate) – CEC) by B.Senthil Kumar, Assistant Professor, Amirta Darshanam (International Centre for Spiritual Studies) Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Deemed to be University), Coimbatore |
9 | June 17 | Special Webinar (Online Workshop) (e-PG Pathsala and Consortium for Educational Communication (undergraduate) – CEC) by Mrs.Fharzana Siraj, Founder and Chief Therapeutic Consultant, Acupuncturist, Orange Ray Alternative Medicine Clinic, Chennai |
10 | June 18 | Special Webinar (Online Lecture) (e-PG Pathsala and Consortium for Educational Communication (undergraduate) – CEC) by Shri.S.Sridharan Trustee,Yoga Therapist Consultant and Mentor, Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM), Chennai |
11 | June 19 | Special National Level Webinar (Online Lecture) (e-PG Pathsala and Consortium for Educational Communication (undergraduate) – CEC) by Dr.Kausthub Desikachar, CEO, Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation, Chennai – 600 028 |
12 | June 19 | National Namaste in Yoga style event |
13 | June 20 | Essay competition |
14 | June 20 | National Online Symposium on Health and Yoga |
15 | June 21 | National Online Symposium |
16 | June 21 | Online Yoga Demonstration |
17 | June 21 | International Online Yoga Demonstration |
18 | June 21 | International online yoga quiz programme |
A month long celebrations by NCV to mark IDY
Narchinthanai Vattam(NCV), held a month long to mark International Day of Yoga 2020 and importance of Yoga in our lives. Various mass virtual gatherings were held through Zoom to mark the occasion in a grand manner. The programs were jointly conducted by Narchinthanai Vattam(NCV), Chennai -87 jointly with Rotary Club of Chennai, Easy Yoga studio, Faculty of Yoga Sciences and Therapy, MAHER under the approval of Indian Yoga Association-TN Chapter (IYA).
On June 21, 2020, online IDY celebrations were held by jointly by Faculty of Yoga Sciences and Therapy, MAHER, Tamil Nadu State Chapter, IYA, Rotary Club of Chennai Harmony and Easy Yoga Studios. About 850 participants registered for this programme and number of connections through Zoom was 400.
The Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) practices started with prayer which was followed by asanas and pranayamas and ended with meditation, sankalp and closing prayer. The CYP practices were taught by Yoga professionals namely Mr. R.Balan, President, Narchinthanai Vattam and Mrs.T.Valli, Director Yoga of Narchinthanai Vattam. Asanas and pranayama were performed by Yoga teacher Mrs. Reshmi.
This was followed by a meeting where Professor. Dr.R.Elangovan, HoD, Faculty of Yoga Sciences and Therapy, MAHER and Secretary IYA (TN Chapter) was the Chief Guest. The other eminent speakers for the meeting were Rtn.G.Chandramohan, District Governor, Chennai, Dr. T.S. Venkateshwaran, HoD, Yoga, GYNMC, Chennai, Dr. V. Duraiswami, Assistant Professor, Yoga, Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University.
The programme concluded with an Online Quiz and many people were given prizes and the name of the prize winners was announced by Mr.R.Janakiraman Ex-President Muscat Tamil Sangam and Mr. V. Sriganesh, Director, NCV.
The programme saw participation from people irrespective of their age. The vote of thanks was given by Rtn.Niranjan Rao, President, Rotary Club of Chennai Harmony.
SAS, KARE & IYA comes together for a Webinar
Webinar on ‘Yoga – An Immunity Enhancer?’ was conducted by the Department of Chemistry, School of Advanced Sciences (SAS), Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education (KARE), Krishnankoil, Virudhunagar (Dt), Tamil Nadu, in association with the Indian Yoga Association (IYA) on the International Day of Yoga, 21st June 2020.
A total of 91 participants attended the webinar from various locations all over India. A presentation for about 1 hour followed by question and answer session was given by the resource person Dr. M. Velayutham Pillai, Assistant Professor (Chemistry), Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education through Google meet application online at Sriviliputhur.
Kalpakkam MVKM Trust observes IDY with Zoom

Kalpakkam MVKM Trust observed 6th IDY 2020 in collaboration with Tamil Nadu State Chapter of Indian Yoga Association via Zoom. K.R.Munirathnam delivered the special address.
Yogatali Traditional Yoga commemorates IDY with 108 yoga postures
Yogatali Tradtional Yoga celebrated 6th International Day of Yoga with with Tamil Nadu State Chapter of Indian Yoga Association by holding 108 Basic /Relaxation yoga postures by 210 students who participated in online modified Yoga Nidra (Deep relaxation technique) on June 20, 2020 in Chennai.
Orange Ray virtually celebrates IDY
Orange Ray held a virtual yoga session in collaboration with Tamil Nadu State Chapter of Indian Yoga Association in Chennai to empower yourself with the science of Yoga to build immunity and create confidence. The duration for the session was one hour.
Dr. V. R. Arivazhagan, Director, Indian Institute of Yoga And Naturopathy (IIYN) organized International Online Yogasana Competition in collaboration with TNSC, IYA in Coimbatore.
Mahatma Gandhi Yoga Institute, Madurai organised Online Yoga Day Programme by K.P.Gangadharan in collaboration with TNSC, IYA.
Waves of Yoga Study Circle, Madurai organized Online Seminar by P.Jeya Sundaram in collaboration with TNSC, IYA.
PYAR (Padmam Yoga Academy &Research Foundation), Tiruchirapalli held yoga program by Shri J.Chandrasekaran in collaboration with TNSC, IYA on IDY 2020.