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IYA & BBAU organizes webinar on ‘Yoga for Better Life’ - Yogavani from Indian Yoga Association

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05 Feb 2025


IYA & BBAU organizes webinar on ‘Yoga for Better Life’
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IYA & BBAU organizes webinar on ‘Yoga for Better Life’ 

With a pandemic like COVID-19, it has become highly imperative that we find a solution to this unwanted guest for the benefit of the mankind. In these difficult times, celebrations of 6th International Day of Yoga become appropriate to stress upon the importance of Yoga and to propagate the science to spread the message. Yoga is a holistic science that takes care of all the aspects of our body. It offers answer to many of our unanswered questions. We should make Yoga part of our lifestyle so as to defeat the unwanted problems.

In the wake of present situation and to mark the celebrations of IDY, Indian Yoga Association with Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow organized an online conclave Yoga for Better Life to emphasis on adopting Yoga as our lifestyle and to highlight the fact that prevention is better than cure.

The conclave saw participation from Prof Sanjay Singh, VC, BBAU, Shri Heera Lal (IAS), Addition­al Mission Director, NHM UP, Shri Bheem Singh, Director, Shree Neelkantha Yoga Kendra, Lucknow and Shri Somveer Arya, Yoga Exponent from BBAU, Lucknow and IYA Prof Harishankar Singh, HoD, Yoga Department, BBAU. From IYA, Guruji Dr HR Nagendra, Chancellor of SVYASA, Presi­dent, IYA, Swami Atmapriyananda, Vice Chancel­lor, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Director, IYA, Shri Subodh Tiwari, CEO, Kaivaly­adhama, Lonavla, Vice President, IYA, Ms Antonietta Rozzi, Founder, Sarva Yoga, Italy, Shri Dr Jaideep Arya ji, Chairman, Haryana Yog Parishad, Joint Secretary, IYA, Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Director, CYTER, Director, IYA, Smt Ekta Bouderlique, National Coordi­nator, Heartfulness, Working Director, IYA and Shri Ravi Tumuluri, Joint Secretary.

The program commenced with a welcome note by Chief Patron Prof Sanjay Singh ji. In his address he said, “BBAU as an institute of higher education consider it as its responsibility to promote the science of Yoga. Our students, teachers and staff members regularly practice Yoga and the changes are visible.

“We have not been able to find a rational solution to Co­rona virus and I am sure yoga can help us overcome this crisis. Yoga is not merely physical. It takes you towards inner growth. Yoga is about service to others, purifying one physically, then mentally and then it connects you
to God.”

Thereafter, Guruji Dr HR Nagendra explained the true meaning of better life. He was also the Chief Guest for the online conclave. “Better life today means better standard of living. Swami Vivekananda called it bread earning education, where you educate only to earn.

“With this pandemic, people have started find­ing solutions. We are witnessing a change in the world as people are now turning towards healthy lifestyle while indulging in service to others. In a scientific realm, we have been able to measure everything about the physical world. However, this material paradigm fails to offer solutions for challenges like non-communicable diseases, asthma, migraine and other diseases.

“Our country is the epitome of health, wealth and dharma. We don’t have to make India a superpower, it is important that we move from selfishness to selflessness. Such crisis or events occur to move us from one level to other. A paradigm shift may happen. It is the time when we move to a consciousness based paradigm.”

Talking about Integration of Yoga as a Therapy with Modern Healthcare system, Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani said, “At any given time in Centre for Yoga Therapy Education and Re­search (CYTER) 1000 students are practicing Yoga on daily basis as part of college policy of celutogenesis, which means focus on health. Modern medicine is helpful in emergency, but in chronic diseases modern medicine has failed.

“Today, we are unable to fight Corona virus in a healthy and efficient manner because of fear. Yoga can definitely play a very important role in a time like this. Yoga empowers the individ­ual from within and it is called Sukha. Sukha makes the stress levels to go down and brings a harmonious balance of autonomic nervous system. Yoga and integrative medicine can play a very important role in a time like this.”

Presenting his thoughts on Yoga Vedanta, Swa­mi Atmapriyananda said, “Vedanta means where knowledge ends and wisdom be­gins. It is the science of Supreme Being. Yoga is a technology of cultivating knowl­edge of the supreme spirit. Bhagawat Geeta merely in 700 verses has brought Vedanta and Yoga together. Time and space is no restriction in discovering the truths and realizing them. Corona has given us the oppor­tunity to just stay put and live with our­selves. Lock yourself within so that entire world of vision opens up within you.”

Yoga in School Edu­cation was the topic which followed the discussion about Yoga and Vedanta. Talking about the same Shri Subodh Tiwari ji said, “It is a very relevant topic. It is extremely important to start at the right time and right place. Further he mentioned that in 1962, Kaivalyadhama was declared as the first institute in yoga for higher learning by Ministry of Educa­tion. “Till 1985, Yoga was merely a part of Physical education after which for the first time Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan took the lead and formulated a committee for Yoga module for schools. In 1986, education policy then emphasized the need of inculcation of Yoga in school curricu­lum. Teacher training in yoga were under­taken, national level researches were under­taken to promote yoga in schools.

“In 2017-18, NCERT formulated module for secondary and higher secondary classes. Now, CBSE schools across the globe have a standard reference point. As per a survey by
Kaivalyadhama, NCERT, MHRD and CBSE most of the schools do indulge in Yoga activities. Same can be said for Yogasana Competitions.”

He further proposed that Universities and IYA should lead in re-survey research about Yoga in institutes of higher education. This will help the government in policy making.

Taking on from there, Shri Dr. Jaideep Arya ji said, “When we talk about policy in Yoga educa­tion, it is important for all of us to understand that we want to develop guru-shishya parampara and our goal is transformation of students.

“In present times, we can see that there is lots of stress among students. Policies should be made to help students bring back the required balance in their life. We are disconnecting from our roots. We should use Patanjali Sutras to move for­ward in these times of crisis. If we are able to inculcate Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Yama and Ni­yama in our policies we will have a better life.”

Putting forward her views on Yoga education in West­ern World, Ms. Antonietta Rozzi said, “Situation in the West is different from India. Yoga is part of Indian cul­ture, whereas it is important to understand that in western countries there are some sociological and cultural mechanisms that may need penetration for introducing yoga in schools.

“Yoga many have become very popular in the west, but they lack proper understanding of Yoga. Yoga here is exotic and fashionable. People and authorities are confused. In or­dered to be really effective substantial modi­fication of a society must be rooted in its own culture and this process starts from educa­tion,” she adhered.

Talking about the right way of presenting Yoga to the students, Smt. Ekta Bouderlique emphasized on the fact that if we want stu­dents to adopt Yoga, we teachers and faculties will have to experience it ourselves.

“Education is about practicality, it is about giving solutions, but it is also about giving an environment as well. Guru-shishya parampara is the most beautiful possibility that India had. We all have to come together and stand for our future. We should not give up on our values otherwise ours will be the last generation holding upon these values.
“Let us give the youth our values transmitted to us by our elders in a packaging they are inter­ested in. Also, we have to let them experience. Yoga is not merely a sci­ence, it is deep observa­tion,” she added.

Presenting his views Shri Heera Lal ji talked about implementations of Yoga at the ground level. “Prevention is bet­ter than cure. I had been practicing yoga from last 5 years, 2 hours every day in the morn­ing and I can proudly say that I am free of any form of disease. In my District Banda, I had been sensi­tizing people in 470 villages about Yoga with the help of volunteers. We also organized Yoga trainings at the block levels.

“As the DM, I propagated, popularised and inspired people about Yoga so that they can adopt it and make it part of their lifestyle,” he added.

Shri Bheem Singh ji said, “Yoga is the science of life. However, we are failing because we are implementing it as a science. The practical aspect is lacking and we are com­promising. Compromising is nowhere desired and permit­ted in Yoga.

“Simple preaching of yoga is not a solution. We have to promote guru-shishya parampara because a guru makes an individual a dexterous person and dexterity in action is called Yoga.”
Shri Somveer Arya who is a Yoga exponent in Atlanta echoed similar sentiments. He said, “To propagate Yoga and teach yoga we have to experience Yoga. Adopt practice and set yourself as an example.

The program concluded with a Guruji Dr HR Nagendra explaining Ananda. The Vote of Thanks was extended by Prof Harishankar Singh.

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